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Some days later Jane, Xo, and Regina were coming back from a shopping day. Alba was watching Angel at home for the time being.

" The best way to get over a man is to get under a new man. Trust." Xo said to her daughter. Regina chuckled  while Jane commented "Well, as long as you're not talking to Bruce, I'm happy."

"Oh man, you know that guy Darrell who's been dating slutty Crystal— Well, he found out that she's been boning Mauricio, but she friend to deny it, but there was this text she sent him where she's, like, naked and grabbing her boobs. You wanna see it?" Xo finished the story but then sent the photo anyways. She notice Regina looking not week and asked. Jane notice that Regina have been talking a lot of sips of water from her travel bottle. Regina shook her off and said in reassurance "I'm fine. Just a little nauseous. Wait. Why are you talking to slutty Crystal? I thought you hated her?"

Xo started to talk again but Regina didn't hear any of it. She zoned out until Jane grabbed Regina and lifted her off the seat. Regina notice the nuns and made way to leave, then proceeded to pass out.

At the emergency room Regina, and the Villanueva women sat in worry. The physician, Dr. Spinoza, pulled back the curtain as he held a clipboard in his hands giving Regina the diagnostics. "Nausea and fainting spell solved. You're pregnant."

The three women began to break out of laughter. "It's..." Jane couldn't continue due to her laughter.

"I'm sorry, but she's just not pregnant." Alba said while holding onto her goddaughters hand. Regina backed up Xiomara by stating herself "No, I'm not pregnant."

Dr. Spinoza said that they have tested Regina's urine. Regina exclaimed that the doctors were wrong due to her not having any sexual activity after Angel. Dr. Spinoza started to explain that false negative were frequent but false positive were rare. Regina started to get annoyed as Xo question her if she did anything "I know I'm not pregnant, because I haven't had sex."

Dr. Spinoza looked and her and claimed they both should talk in private. Regina got mad and said there was no need to, but he kept insisting. Xo finally broke and started to yell at the doctor.

"Where did you get your degree from, the Iniversity of Dumb-ass? My daughter said that she hadn't had freakin' sex, so do another damn test!"

Walls Could Talk ❁ Rafael Solano Where stories live. Discover now