Episode 25- Nightmare

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"Grayce honey where are you " I yelled as I continued walking in the darkness
"Graycee !" I yell even louder when I saw her stroller in the distance I start running towords it
I grab it and turned it around
It's empty "What?! Grayce! Honey!" I yell. All of a sudden I see a siluet of a man, I started walking towords him
"Grayson!? Is that you?" I ask

I came closer to him
It definitely wasn't Grayson
"Jack ?" I say as a smirk grew on his face
He was holding Grayce
"Grayce! Jack give her to me!"
He than took out a knife
"NO! DON'T YOU DARE!" His smirk grew even bigger as he placed the knife near her

"Grayce honey, say bye bye to mommy" he said

"Jack don't do it, I beg you plese, kill me instead leave her alone...please " I said

"Bye bye Grayce " he said

"NOOOO" I say as I wake up screaming
Grayce started crying
It was all a dream oh thank god

"Shhh it's okay beautiful mommy's here" I say as I pick her up " did I scare you princess" I say as I hug her tight " mommy will never leave you alone I will always be here for you "

She stopped crying and i smield
"I love you my princess" I say as I look at her
Maby I should tell Grayson
But what will Jack do

Oh god what do I do

I look at the clock
It's 4 am

I look back at her and smiel
She has the exact same eyes as Grayson..his smile...his nose
Her beautiful green eyes are just to melt for

- the next morning

I woke up and got dressed
Grayce was still sleeping
I grabed my phone and booked two airplane tickets
I had to get my parents to come here I won't be able to do this on my own

I than called my mom

"Bella is something wrong honey" my mom asked

"No, everything's ok , sorry I'm calling this late but i have to tell you something "

"What is it Bella"

"I booked tickets to London for you guys "I said

"Oh honey that's amazing but i dont know if your dad will agree"

"I understand mom" I said looking At the ground" it's okay it really is but the tickets are already booked so if you change your mind call me " I said

"Wait Bella, I'm gonna come, I don't care what your dad says you are my daughter I can't leave you alone" she said

"Thanks mom" I smield "Bye"

"Bye "

( this is short ik but i didnt know what to write sorry guys  also its currently 1 am so I  have no idea what I have written  gonna fix the spelling mistakes later :) )

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