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Why did Cross have to take care of the brat?
Mana and Nea had to attend to family business, whatever that entailed Cross didn't know. If it was 'family business' though, why wouldn't they take their god damn kid? 'Whatever, at least the kid is sleeping quiet-' Cross's thought train was cut off when he heard crying coming from Allen's room.
"What the hell? Did he fall out of his bed or something?" Cross muttered to himself and headed to Allen's room. He twisted the doorknob and slowly opened the door, peeking into the dark room. It took a second for his eyes to adjust but when they did he noticed the small boy huddled under the blankets of his bed and shivering.
"What's wrong, kid?" Cross called out. Allen's scared gaze instantly went to Cross and the kid started bawling again.
"I-it's daaark." Allen whined. Marian rolled his eyes and walked into the room, leaving the door slightly open behind him to let some light from the hallway enter the room.
"Yeah, it's dark. What's the real issue because darkness doesn't do anything." Cross snapped. It was silent in the room for a moment before the sound of sniffling could be heard.
"I'm s-still scared of i-it." Allen murmured quietly. Cross heaved out a sigh and sat down on the bed next to the small white haired child. Marian wrapped his arm around Allen's shoulders and pulled him into a hug.
"Fine.. if you won't face the facts that darkness can't hurt you I guess there's nothing I can really say to make you believe it." Cross acknowledged. Allen sniffed, beginning to calm down and leaned on the red haired male. The two sat there in a peaceful silence as Allen slowly drifted off to sleep. Cross looked down at the kid with a small smile on his face. He stood up slowly and repositioned Allen, tucking him in.
"Goodnight, Allen."

Child Allen scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now