Chapter Four

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"Hannah, Hannah Stilinski. That's who it was."

 Stiles felt like he was falling, everything was blurry and muffled, then suddenly it all came back with rushing clearity. He found himself on the ground breathing heavier than ever before. The panic attack over took him. 




He thought he heard his name being called, and he would of replied if it wasn't for the shaking that had taken over his body. HIs hands were so sweaty, and nothing felt real anymore.

Hannah Stilinski. Mom. Hannah. Mom. Mom. MOM.

Stiles thoughts weren't any better but he was only grasping onto one thing repeated, his mother's  on that last day. Something was being shoved into his hand and his arm was moved as to bring his hand to his mouth. 

Inhaler. It's probably Scott. I.. I should use it...

He breathed and and felt full of air once more. A few more breaths into it and he was breathing regularly. Stiles looked up to thank Scott but instead saw that Anne girl. His eyes went over to where he knew Scott to be standing and saw him there, looking at him in shock, Derek didn't look any better. 

"Are you okay?" Scott was able to ask after gulping.

"I'm fine..." Stiles replied with a small nod of his head. 

"Let's get you home." Anne said.

"No, it's alright."

"Please... Please go home." Anne tried again, looking like she was going to have a panick attack herself if he didn't.

Stiles ended up nodding his head, "I'll go home..."

Anne nodded her head, before standing up and walking off into the forest alone. Stiles opened his mouth to talk to her again but was distracted by Scott giving him a hand to get up. He stumbled to his feet and Scott led him back to the Jeep.

"What about Anne?" Stiles asked him.

Scott looked back towards the forest. "I'll go find her, let's get you home first."

It's My Job (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now