7 ✉

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The next morning I woke up with a slight back pain. Maybe sleeping on the couch wasn't the best idea ever... I sat up and saw Woojin looking up from the kitchen. "Good morning Charlotte" he said with his sweet voice. "Good morning Woojin" I said still sleepy while rubbing my eyes.

I got up and went into the bathroom, quickly took a shower and got dressed. Once I got in the living room again, almost everyone was already there, except for Jisung, who was still very much asleep. "Charlotte, do you mind waking him up for us? He never wakes up when we try" Chan said laughingly. "Sure, I'm on it!"

I quietly entered his room, and saw Jisung sleeping soundlessly. I have to admit, my heart did skip a beat when I saw him sleeping. I sat down next to him, on the edge of his bed. "Jisung, wake up~" I said in my sweetest voice, but no reply. "Jisung~" I tried softly shaking him, but suddenly he grabbed my wrist. He didn't say anything, but pulled me towards him, resulting me to lay on top of him, as he wrapped his arms around me. "Jisung, wake up!" I now said a bit more alarmed.

Jisung slowly opened his eyes, but they widened immediately once he saw me on top of him. "What- why- how-?" I tried to get up, but his grip withheld me from doing so. "Jisung, can you please let go?" I asked embarrassed. He seemed to have slowly gotten a grip of what was going on and smiled. "No."

He closed his eyes again while smiling contently. "Jisung!" I yelled. "Let me gooo! Help!" Suddenly the door busted open, Chan and Woojin bursting through. He stopped once he saw me and sighed. "Come on Jisung, let go of her." Jisung didn't reply, acting like he was still asleep. Chan sighed once more. "I didn't want to use this, but you leave me no choice. Woojin?" Woojin nodded and walked up to us. He held his fingers near Jisungs forehead and flicked it. "That hurt!" Jisung said, and loosened his grip.

Chan quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me out of Jisungs arms. "Note to self, NEVER let Charlotte wake a member up" Chan said as he shook his head. Jisung whined and got up. "That was uncalled for" he muttered under his breath.

Once everyone was out of the room, we sat down and ate breakfast together. "Charlotte, do you have any plans today?" Hyunjin asked with his mouth still full. "Hyunjin, manners!" Woojin scolded him, causing me to giggle. "Chan and Woojin, you really are the dads of stray kids aren't you?" I said jokingly. They both were taken aback as the other members just laughed.

"But no Hyunjin, I don't have anything today. How about you guys? You must be busy right?" He nodded. "We have to film today, so we'll be gone. Will you be okay alone here?" I smiled. "I'll be fine! I was supposed to live on my own anyway."

Before they left, Chan walked up to me. "Charlotte, give me your phone for a second." A bit confused I gave it to him. "Why?" He typed something in it and gave it back. "Here's my number, if anything happens, call me okay?" "Will do!

I quickly called Chan's number. He picked up. "Who is this?" I chuckled. "It's me. Now you have my number as well!" He turned around and smiled at me. "Bye Charlotte!" "Have fun!"

When they were gone, it was suddenly awfully quiet, but I didn't stay still. I wanted to do some investigation! If I ever wanted to find out who J was, now was my chance! I first went into Jeongins room. I didn't want to make a mess, so I carefully tilted everything up to look for clues.

A blue envelope on his desk caught my eye. I picked it up, and saw my name on it. The lit wasn't sealed yet, so I carefully opened it. Before reading, I paused for a minute. Was it really okay for me to read this? Even though guilt took over me, I decided to read it.

Dear Charlotte,

If you're reading this, it means my plan must have worked. I'm really happy you found this letter. I really want to talk to you, but I don't have the courage yet. Please meet me on friday in the park, 9 pm. I'll be waiting.

I put my hand in front of my mouth, but stopped when I read it once more. It wasn't signed. J always signed his notes didn't he? Maybe he just forgot? I groaned in frustration. Now I still don't know anything!

I put the letter back in the envelope, as if I never read it. I wanted to get out of the room, but suddenly saw a notification on my phone.

Charlotte, this is Chan. The body guard is back again, and he's coming with us. You need to hide!

I wanted to get out of the room, when I already heard the door open. In panick, I dove under Jeongins bed. "I'll start the inspection" the low voice of the bodyguard said. I slowly heard the door open, and put my hand in front of my mouth. I saw a pair of legs move closer and closer, roaming around the room.

From the dooropening, I could see the boys look worried, searching for probably me. I locked eyes with Chan, and saw his eyes switch to panick modes. "Sir!" Chan suddenly yelled. "Why ehm, why don't you have something to drink? You need to stay hydrated."

The pair of legs were now standing right in front of me and stopped. "I guess you're right." The bodyguard left, but I could see Jisung and Jeongin walk in the room, locking the door behind them. I wanted to get out, but Jisungs words stopped me. "Jeongin, we need to talk about Charlotte."

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