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If someone told her she will have all the freedom to decorate a room as however her heart wished, she'd have laughed at their face and shrugged it off as nonsense.

Yet, there she was standing in a white room with dull dark windows, dust, and webs all over the corners and shelves, old curtains that barely were able to hide any of the ugly windows, and a huge old carpet in dark red colors.

A carpet might do well if it gets cleaned. Really, really cleaned. Like bleach cleaned, because God knows what was happening with it. It might even have hidden insects and old body parts.

''It has potential.'' She mumbled while looking around the place. It had two additional rooms connected to it so she opened the first one on her left.

It was a small room, probably for a walk-in closet. On one side of the small room were black shelves, and immediately she knew she'd willingly change them in white. White color would do well for such a small space.

The other door leads to a small, old bathroom. In her opinion, all it needed was a little cleaning and a few flower designs. Well... Perhaps a lot of cleaning, to begin with, and to be able to be useful, but she will get to it.

Kvasir walked right to the only window in the room and checked the locks on it, but as he pulled it, the lock stayed in his hand and the widow was still shut. A frown he had on his face was kind of adorable, so it made her laugh.

''At least I'm sure no one will visit me at night, right?'' She tried to take a light approach to the whole situation.

His devilish eyes focused on the moll in the corners of the room.

She followed his gaze and sighed. ''I think I can rub it clean with bleach, and then... Probably paint it.''

''I'll help.''

Sometimes, the way Kvasir talked reminded her of Hulk. Kvasir, smash. Kvasir, help. Kvasir, kill. That was probably the reason why she so liked talking to him.

At least he talked while some would run away without sparing a single glance in her way.

She had spent so many hours just begging to get Huginn's attention, yet not even once he said 'good mornings' back or just a 'hey' would be okay. It seemed as if he hated her. It confused her so damn much. She truly tried her best.

As soon as she found out he liked her pancakes from Eir, she made them every single day – even though men were quietly complaining. When she had found he liked girls wearing white, she even wore her white sneakers all the time when she was a huge fan of black slippers Eir gave her on her first day of being there.

For the second time in her life, she was going beyond herself to please a man.

Except... She had a feeling like she wasn't done with Brian. There was a strange feeling within her heart as if she truly needed to have a few words with him, to give him a chance to explain what truly happened the night before she ended in the hospital.

All she remembered was Brian coming home from his work day, and after that, everything was in pure blackness.

Lilianna knew he was mad about something that evening. She wasn't sure if it was because something happened while he was out of their home, or if it was something that she did.

''Girl?'' Kvasir called onto her, snapping her out of her wild thoughts. His thick eyebrows were slightly pulled together, little wheels turning behind that cold eyes. ''You good?''

''I'm alright. Just tired.''

''Go to bed.'' He suggested. No, he ordered in his goofy dark voice.

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