Sinful Infatuation: Chapter 18

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(Long) A/N: Hey everyone!

Firstly, I want to apologize for the very, very, very long wait for the update. It was completely unacceptable. I’ve been lacking inspiration, motivation and time, which are key components to banging out a chapter. I hope you guys can forgive me for making you wait so long. And I promise I have a little more in store for this story, so bear with me for this (slowish) chapter.

Secondly, I’ve included a brief cast list in this chapter. Before you get upset its not the typical celebrity cast list…its simply the names of all the prominent/semi important characters in the story and a very brief description of them. Some people seem to have forgotten a couple of characters…so this should clear up any confusion.

Thirdly, I had mentioned in a previous chapter that I was going to write the story in present tense, but due to an overwhelming volume of people asking me not to leave the past yet I decided not to do the story completely in the present. With that being said, this is subject to change and as the story begins to wind down I’ll fast forward to the present and stay there (no need to go over monotonous day to day things in the past).

Lastly, I initially intended this story to be 20 chapters long, but now I anticipate it being slightly longer…maybe 25? And as of right now, I do not have an intention of doing a sequel.

Anyway, yadda yadda yadda…on with the story.

Enjoy, J.


Cast List:

Jourdain Wright (Nicoletti): main female character; criminal prosecution lawyer; wife to Matteo Nicoletti IV; only child (mom is Celine, step-father is Adrian); mother to Luciano

Matteo “Gianni” Nicoletti IV: main male character; Italian mob boss (drugs/guns/weapons/cars); “informant” for the FBI (but hasn’t given up information yet; husband to Jourdain; father to Luciano; called “Gianni” by associates

Giovanni Salvatore Nicoletti: Matteo’s brother; works in the same crime family as Matteo; one of Matteo’s hit men; Alicia’s potential love interest???

Lorenzo Dante Catipondi: works under same crime family as Matteo; Matteo’s right hand; main hit man

Alicia Harden: waitress at Orange Tabby; (was) one of Jourdain's closest friends; Giovanni’s potential love interest???; had an affair with Maxwell

Maxwell Peterson: Jourdain's (ex) fiancé; Narc/NYPD officer/detective; his partner is Wesley; had an affair with Alicia; was only on desk duty until recently and is now currently working to arrest Matteo (while siphoning information from him)

Anthony DelFuco: works in Italian mob under another crime family (opposite of Matteo’s); Matteo's competition; “Snake”

Tony Russo/Leo Toscano: work under same crime family as Matteo; Matteo's security guards/henchmen

Sergio Buttone: works under same crime family as Matteo; Matteo's accountant/ personal assistant (only mentioned once so don’t feel bad if you don’t remember him)

Richard Wesley: Narc/NYPD officer/detective; arrests Matteo during New Year's Eve party; followed his case years prior

Luciano Xavier Nicoletti: (baby/toddler); son to Jourdain and Matteo Nicoletti; usually called Luc; likes to eat, play, laugh, sleep and fart


Present Day: January 14

Nicoletti Penthouse

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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