Old Friend

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Present Day:

I am practically thrown out of the car as soon as it stops. I fall on my arm causing me to scream through gritted teeth. I look around and see everyone else ushered out of their cars. I turn my head behind me, causing me to pretty much flip my whole body over when I hear a loud thud. I get up slowly when I hear Jorge yell over and over again ‘Where is she!?’ As he repeatedly punches the guy that was in the trunk with him square in the face. I hear shuffling behind me and see Brenda and Newt running in my direction. Brenda passes me, clearly going to Jorge but Newt stops beside me as he quickly pulls me into a hug. Surprised by his action I dont hug back right away but am soon melting in his arms.

“I'm right here! I'm right here.” I hear Brenda say, trying to coax Jorge away from the man. Newt and I release each other, looking at each other before looking towards Brenda and Jorge. When Jorge notices Brenda he releases the kidnapper and stands, hugging Brenda tightly. I smile slightly at this but my smile soon drops as I hear a voice.

“Everyone relax, were on the same side here.” I hear a muffled voice say. Newt and I turn around towards the source of the sound and see a guy wearing a gas mask clearly the one that talking. We both walk towards Thomas, stopping by his side as we look at who I infer as the leader of this kidnap group.

“What do you mean the same side, who the hell are you?” Thomas says as he forces his way out of someone's grasp, slightly walking closer to the man. Uncomfortable silence fills the air as the man looks at Thomas for a while before reaching for his mask to take it off. When he does I can see Thomas tense beside me causing me to furrow my brows. I look at Newt and see in his eyes a hint of sadness but anger at the same time swirling in them, causing me to furrow my brows more.

Do they know this guy?

My answers are finally answered when the man breaks the silence. “Hey Greenie” he says causing me to furrow my brows more.

“Greenie? Wait isn't that one of your guys’ maze talk?” I say to no one in particular, I frown slightly when everyone pretty much ignores my pending question.


Gally… Where have I heard that name.

It all clicks as soon as Thomas lunges at the man who is now known as Gally. Thomas punches Gally square in the face causing him to fall to the ground. Thomas jumps on him and prepares another hit as he clenches his fist. The others point guns at us all at Thomas’ reaction causing Newt to lunge at Thomas and grab his wrist before he can do anything.

“Stop, its alright, its alright.” I hear Gally tell his fellow companions.

“Tommy, stop.” Newt tells Thomas, trying to coax him away from Gally, but Thomas won't budge.

I can hear Thomas’ voice breaking a little as he says. “He killed Chuck.” That sentence alone causes my heart to slightly break asnI remember the story Thomas told me about Chuck and the child killer. Turns out that child killer was Gally.

“I know, I know, I remember, I was there to.” Newt starts, “but I also remember, that he was stung and half out of his mind.” Newt finishes his sentence. I can see Newt whispering to Thomas, but I can't make out any words. Thomas finally pushes himself off of Gally. Newt walks back beside me as Gally stands up, touching his jaw a little bit after the punch. I can see a bruise already beginning to form.

“Kinda had that coming.” He starts, “anyone else? Newt, Fry?” He asks, clearly joking but at the same time not.

“You know this guy?” Jorge asks, no one in particular. Fry nods slightly before answering.

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