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SETTING: the future.  

"What do you mean 'truthfully'? We already answered your question," said Grayson, words quick and nervous. He began biting his nails, until Cosima slapped his hand from his mouth.

"Who are you parents?" asked Raven, though she practically screamed it. She looked ready to explode, well this 'vacation' wasn't doing anything for her temper.

"Um, we'll you see, um, well," said Asher, but quickly trailed off. He looked away, half-pained.

"They will be here soon, and explain everything," said Tempest trying to calm the situation, though wasn't looking very calm herself. Just as she finished saying that the elevator opened. Revealing a group of adults, but there was something very odd about them. They looked like the past titans.

"Seriously though, when is Mad Mod gonna die? I was expecting old age to take him in prison a while back," said an older looking Cyborg. He had more mechanical parts than now, looking modernized.

"Yeah, that man has got to be above the hundreds," said an older Starfire. It was weird seeing Starfire talking with proper English grammar, like seeing a fish sunbathing. Her hair was cut under her shoulders, accent perfect.

"The bigger question is, how does he keep getting that stupid cane back?" questioned an older Kid Flash, or rather just Flash. He had his arm around an older looking Jinx, whose costume was less edgy and more hero-ish.

"Yeah that—Whoa," said an older, stronger looking Beast Boy. He had filled out well, his hair was longer and was as tall as a bean sprout, muscles not very prominent, but definitely not lanky.

"Whoa is right," said a older Aqualad. He no longer wore a leotard—thank god.

Robin, trying to process the information, let out a strangled yell "They're us?" They had all seen him stressed, but he looked on the verge of a panic attack, hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Wait, you said your parents are coming," said Cyborg slowly. "We.. are their parents," said Raven shakily. She no longer looked angry, but sat back down on the couch looking half ready to pass out.

"Wait... Wait... What?... How can we be their parents there is only four girls and six boys," said Speedy, "I call bull." He was arrogantly smug. Bee whacked him on the back of the head, "Ever heard of being non-heterosexual? It's the twenty-first century, you idiot," said the girl, giving him a quite loud look.

"Oh... but, like, aren't we all... you know?" asked Speedy. Azalea stared blankly for a few seconds, before letting out a shriek of laughter, dropping to the ground in pure unrestrained amusement. "What?" he asked, glaring down at her. "Oh, just... nothing. Nothing at all," said Azalea wiping a tear from her eye. She let out a last giggle before composing herself.

"Wait, guys, we're missing the bigger picture," said Robin, waving his hands dramatically. Everyone held onto his last words. "Whose kids are whose?" continued Aqualad with a shaky breath.

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