1 - The Photograph

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Author's Note: It's a bit different from what I usually write, but I'm happy with how this turned out. I was almost worried I'd go over 3,000 words.


Laura looked down at the photo in her hand. It sat in a smooth wooden frame, its picture protected by a sturdy plastic covering.

It was her from a year ago, all dressed up for Halloween. She had decided to be a sexy witch that year, complete with the fishnet stockings, a short skirt, and a big, pointy hat. She was standing in front of the fireplace in her living room, smiling at her sister who had taken the picture.

She had always found something odd about this picture. She remembered the day it had been taken, yet it felt like she was forgetting something. Something important.

What could she be forgetting? She had thought on it time and time again and yet, she just couldn't remember. The memory was there, but at the same time it was unreachable.

There was a knock on her door. "Laura, are you ready?"

It was her sister, Catherine. Laura was supposed to be getting ready for school.

"Sorry, I'll be ready in a minute!" she called back. She set the picture down on her bedside table and ran over to her closet, pulling it open. She had clothes, clothes and more clothes. Jeans, tanktops, halter tops, and jackets, all of different colors, hung on the racks. Shoes of many different types sat on the floor, ranging from worn out tennis shoes to brand new pumps. She had always loved clothes, but at times like this the sheer amount made choosing an outfit a chore.

Groaning, she grabbed a light pink halter top, a pair of dark blue jeans, and some sandals out of the closet. It wasn't the cutest outfit, but she needed to be ready right away. Her sister was going to give her hell if she made them late.

As she ran to the door with her bag hoisted over her shoulder, she stopped for a moment. She was looking at the picture again, at her smiling face. She had looked so happy at the time, but why?

There was a pounding on the door. "Laura! We have to go! Now!"

She grabbed the picture and promptly stuffed it into her bag. She ran over to the door, pulling it open to find herself face to face with a young girl roughly her age.

She was a smaller girl with pale white skin. Her hair was long and brown - slightly wavy - and the girl was was standing there, her hands on her wide hips. Unlike her she was wearing a black ruffled dress, but she was definitely her sister. They looked so alike, in fact, that some had mistaken them for twins.

Catherine was looking at her, her blue eyes narrowed and impatient. "Let's go already."

"Yes, of course," said Laura. She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. "Sorry sis, I got distracted.

Her sister just rolled her eyes and began walking away. Laura trotted along behind her, hoping she hadn't made them late... again.

When they walked through the doors of the school and the bell echoed throughout the empty hallway, the very first thing Catherine did was shoot a glare Laura's way. Sure enough, they had been late. All because she had gotten distracted by an old picture.

When Mr. Doe was done chewing the two girls out, he allowed them to return to their seat. The moment she took a seat at her desk, a note landed right in front of her.

'Hey, what's up? What do you say we catch a movie tomorrow at the Mooreside Theater?'

Laura rolled her eyes. It was from the boy next to her, Colton Carols. He'd had a crush on her for months now. The guy was sweet and all, but she simply was not interested. She thought she had made that clear, but the guy was persistent.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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