Chapter six>>>let's go to the mall

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"Is dance canceled today?" A loud voice asks over the speaker when I answer my phone, definitely awakening me from my half asleep state. I moan and tug on my duvet, wrapping it around my whole body. I take my phone away from my ear and look at the caller's number. It's not one of my saved contacts.

"No, it's only supposed to rain lightly and that's not until later on tonight. Who even is this?" I ask her while I roll out of bed, landing on a pile of clothes. My arm gets stuck in a v-neck sweater so I pick it up and struggle to pull it over my neck while holding on to the phone.

"Luke. Seriously, who else would ring you questioning if there was a dance lesson today?"

"Obama," I say, yawning in between syllables.

"But how did you even get my number?" I ask as I comb up my hair, trying to get it to stay. If only I had my own hairdresser.

"Calum. That felt weird to say since my brother doesn't have a lot of friends."

"I don't see the resemblance in you guys," I say, picturing both of their faces side by side in my head. They look nothing alike although they both are extremely sassy. Maybe Calum was adopted or something. He does look Asian.

"That's because we're half siblings. My mom had us both, but we have different fathers." She says into the speaker and it all starts to make sense. "Well I gotta go take a shower. Talk to you in class," Cassie says after a couple seconds.

"Can I join?" I say extremely quickly before she giggles and hangs up. She didn't sigh this time though. Score!

I was completely wrong about the aforementioned weather for today. It was pouring so hard outside of the building that it was difficult to view the world through the class window. My converse were completely drenched, leaving my socks soaked as well. When I walked into the classroom, Cassandra gave me a death glare.

"You said it wasn't supposed to rain until later this night!" Cassie screams in my ear.

"I know, I know. I'm no weatherman as you can tell. But at least I was right about the class not being canceled." I state in my defense. I turn around from her and walk towards the chair where I set all my things down and take off my jacket.

"Attention everyone!" I shout out to the room and everyone stops and looks over, the talking hushes down to whispers. "I really don't feel like teaching today so how about we take a field trip to the mall?" I ask and almost everyone in the room shouts and grabs their oversized purses from the shelf. Cassie shakes her head in disappointment but I can see a sweet smile peaking from her full lips.

"What? I need to do a little Christmas shopping, so why not?" I ask her and take off my plain white tank top. I feel her eyes landing on my half naked figure and taking in my appearance, along with every girl in the room. You could practically hear the panties dropping. I guess they're just excited that they finally have a male teacher this year because honestly I'm not that attractive. But Michael on the other hand, now there's a looker. I shake out of my thoughts and pull a torn all time low shirt from my duffle bag over my head. I would like to change into some skinny jeans as well but I'm not giving them that much of a show.

"Christmas is in three months," Cassie says as we head for the glass door that leads to the parking lot. All of the students start running, holding one hand over their drawn eyebrows and another over their glamorous hair. I look to my right and notice that Cass isn't one of those girls who worries about their appearance. I don't think she even wears a small amount of makeup. She notices my stare and gives me a genuine smile. I forget the world for a moment and just take in her features. She's so goddamn beautiful.

"You can never be too early," I reply to her and she giggles, I swear that it's the cutest noise I have ever heard. I look away from her and notice all the girls have arrived at the building's shared van for class trips. They all look at me, anxious, with evil glares pointed toward Cass. I take my set of keys from my pocket and unlock the passenger door, allowing Cassie to climb in. She presses down the button and everyone climbs in, nearly killing one another in the process. I roll my eyes and walk around to the other side and buckle myself in.

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