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I woke up hearing Artist yelling on the phone.

"That don't sound like it's under control Keem!" Artist said.

"I'll be there in a hour." He spoke again hanging up.

"What happened baby?" I asked him.

"Somebody stealing and some of Rock people that's left causing problems." He told me sitting next to me.

"Rock people?" I asked getting worried all over again.

"I know what you think but we going to handle it." He told me.

"It's always handled for a second and then boom it's another thing." I told him.

"Baby I know but it's going to be taken care of I promise." He told me kissing my lips.

"You still sure you don't want to do nothing today?" He asked me since it's Valentine's Day.

"Yes baby I'm positive Melody could come at any moment I'm okay with just chillin." I told him.

"It would be raw if she came today." He said smiling holding my belly in both of his hands.

"Melody Valentine would be so cuteee." I said and he straight faced me.

"Think about it Artist it's cute." I said laughing at the face he made.

"That's weird. I don't know anybody named Valentine." He said.

"Baby I don't know anybody named Artist either." I told him.

"I guess you got a point." He said laughing knowing I was right.

I felt a sharp pain and a kick making my breath hitch.

"You okay baby?" He asked looking concerned.

The pain kept going so I shook my head.

"No." I said closing my eyes and breathing.

"What's wrong? Are you having contractions?" He asked.

"I don't know it just hurts." I whined as tears came to my eyes.

"You want to go to the hospital now?" He asked.

I could only nod my head because the pain was becoming too much quickly.

"Don!" Artist yelled out the door.

"What's going on?" Don came quickly.

"Ella about to have the baby!" Artist yelled when Don was already in the room.

"Man be quiet dang. Going to blow me Ella and the baby ear drums." Don said making me laughing a little bit.

"Nigga just help her get the the car while I grab the hospital bag." Artist said as Don helped me stand up.

"Here baby." Artist said handing me some sweatpants and a hoodie to throw on since I only had on a t shirt and shorts as always.

I put it on with both of their help and Don and I walked down the stairs to the garage.

"What car you taking?" Don asked Artist who was coming behind us with everything we needed.

"Just the Audi." He said and we all got in and he sped off.

"Call everybody and let them know." I told him.

I knew for sure she was coming.

My mucus plug had fell out a few days ago.

The pain was so bad.

"I swear I'm not having another one of your babies again." I said breathing hard as another pain came.

Make it Right 2: C L O S U R E (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now