Unit 55, 5:45 A.M.

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Peter stood beside Joshua as the paremetic finished her final exam.

"looks like your a lucky one" stated the EMT as she put her pen light back in the bag. "for the amount of blood and the size of that cut on your forhead, your lucky you dont have a concussion"

"Well I sure feel like I do" grumbled Joshua, as he gengerly touched the bandage above his right temple.

"uh-uh" the paremedic slapped Joshua's had away from the wound. "no touching."

Peter was exsuasted but still managed to luagh at Joshua's exsapration.

"You should put a cone around his neck. You know, like the ones dogs wear?"

Even Joshua had to tried his grin as he reached to punch Peter in the shoulder.

"well you seem healthy enough" luaghed the paramedic, as she pulled her gloves off and closed the double doors at the rear of the Ambulance. "but seriously, try not to touch it and avoid too much movement. im no doctor but I'd say you should still have that double checked and try and get some down time.

she climbed into the passanger seat and closed the door, waving a goodby as the vehicle pulled out of the allyway.

"Damn" mumbled Joshua as he fumbled with the wedding band on his finger. "why is it that when your looken for'm they never show up and when you stop, pop there they are."

"Oh common man" Peter jibed, "Shes to young for you anyhow"

He turned to see a large framed, middle aged man walking toward them with his sargent.

"Peter Kramer, Joshua Harris, meet Mr. Harper" he said as the men shook hands. "boys Mr. Harper may have some answers as to what happened last night and would like to have a word.

Sargent Criagson turned and walked back toward the tow truck as it pulled the hood dented and shattered windowed patrol car into the skids.

"Boys im gonna be strait foward," Mr Harper stated as he pulled out a cigar and lighter. "i work for the millitary and you too are very lucky to be alive"

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