Chapter 16

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The next day, I am in the training center yet again, but this time I actually try to learn some extra skills while I can. They have been calling in tributes to see the Gamemakers all day and I know that Katniss and I will be up soon. I groan and I try to remember what Haymitch said to me this morning- something about showing off my strength. Truth to be told, I can barely stand him anymore, or Effie. Both of them have been grilling me on what to do in front of the Gamemakers, and my brain feels fuzzy from an information overload. I wonder if this is how it feels to be drunk, but then I push the thought away when I hear Katniss's voice call my name.  

Startled, I look around to see that the gym is empty besides us and the trainers. "Don't you think it's time to take a break?" she asks. 

I groan. "Haymitch says I need to make sure I'm in tip top shape for the Gamemakers, Maybe I ought to practice a little more." 

She rolls her eyes and says, "Yeah, well he is stupid. Besides, if you overwork yourself, you're not going to have enough strength when you actually need it." She has a point. "Besides," she continues, "I think Haymitch is going crazy. This morning, he tried to walk me through how to nock a bow." She shakes her head. "As if I didn't know how!" 

I stand up and begin walking towards the cafeteria with her. We are alone in a long hallway, and the silence is uncomfortable. "Haymitch needs to start drinking again." I mutter, and she cracks up. 

Before I know it, I'm laughing too, gasping for breath. It feels so good to be laughing with her, and the tension of the past few days seem to disappear. When she finally stops laughing, she surveys me seriously. The smile slips from her face as a flicker of sadness flashes across it. "Let's not... pretend." She chokes out. "Just save it for when people are around." 

I'm totally confused, until the full meaning of what she has just said strikes me. She doesn't like me, doesn't like joking with me even as a friend. My heart sinks into my stomach as I walk behind her meekly. 

When we reach the cafeteria, I am too immersed in my thoughts to realize what is happening. Before I know it, she has taken my hand and pushes the door open. "Oh Peeta!" she giggles and slaps my arm playfully. 

Anger and hurt flashes through me before I warily smile back at her. My heart really isn't in it though as I stab my food viciously and pretend to flirt with her. 

The rest of the afternoon passes by, and we only talk in front of other people. It hurts more than I want to admit, almost to the point that I want to confess my love to her. However, I know that it'll probably just scare her away even more.  


We are finally called in the meet the Gamemakers near the end of the day. They will probably be too tired and bored to watch me, having seen all the other tributes before. I meet Katniss in the waiting chamber and she surprises me by smiling. 

"Good luck," she says, and I look over my shoulder to see if she's talking to someone else. No one else is in the room, though. 

I sigh. "You don't have to pretend right now. There's no one else here." 

She ignores my comment and continues. "Remember what Haymitch said about throwing the weights, and don't forget to play to the best of your abilities." 

"You sound like Effie now," I grumble, and she laughs. 

She seems to be sincere, so I look into her eyes and struggle to find something to say. "You... Shoot straight." It sounds so lame, but I can't think of anything else to say. She just smiles, and the warmth of her eyes seem to make me melt. 

The spell is broken as a scratchy voice calls my name. I walk into the room, not knowing what I am going to see. 

The scene is not as imposing as I thought it would be. In the front of the large room, there is a row of Gamemakers sitting at a long table. Most of them look wasted, and there are empty wine glasses everywhere. I feel a tinge of annoyance as I say, "Hello" loudly. The Gamemakers in the middle winces- he's obviously had too much to drink tonight, and nods his head in acknowledgment.  

Leaning back on his chair, he says "Show us what you've got" in a slurred voice.  

I walk over and examine the equipment and I smile when I see lots of bows and arrows. They remind me of Katniss, who is probably outside, biting her nails off. I almost laugh out loud as I imagine Effie scolding Katniss for her bad manners, before I remember where I am. The Gamemakers are all looking at me curiously and I decide to save my best talent- my strength- for last. I look up and say, "I'd like to demonstrate my skill in hand-to-hand combat?" Somehow, it comes out sounding like a question, and I make a mental note to sound more confident in the future. 

"A-rrrright." the Gamemaker in the center says. "Bring in a trainer-person-thing." He gestures wildly to an Avox by the door. Seconds later, a strong man emerges and smiles at me.  

"I'm here to assist you in your demonstration," he says, and throws me padding for protection. 

"Okaaaay, on the count of three!" the Gamemaker says, and I wonder how drunk he really is. "One, two, th- AGHHHH!"  

I jerk my head around and see him sprawled across the floor, probably because he leaned back too far in his chair. His coworkers are all crowded around him, laughing their heads off and patting his back reassuringly. I feel a stab of annoyance because they aren't taking this seriously. 

I turn away from the scene. Stupid Gamemaker, he totally deserved that. The man I am supposed to be fighting gives me an apologetic look and shrugs. 


Fifteen minutes later, I am finally led out of there after throwing some heavy weights around. I am pretty frustrated as I run up to the elevator and repeatedly press the button for level 12. During the ride there, my thoughts calm down somewhat and I realize that it's not the Gamemakers' fault that they were bored. After all, they'd seen 22 people before me. And besides, Katniss has it even worse; she's dead last.

Katniss. I wonder how she's dealing with the situation in there. As the elevator bell dings, I step out and decide to wait for her, even though it will probably be another 10 minutes before she comes out. I am so lost in thought that I barely register the elevator coming upstairs a few minutes later.  

As the door bursts open, Katniss storms out, her hair flying in her face. She pushes past me and I see an agonized expression on her face as she runs to her room. I doubt she has even seen me.  

I approach the door and knock on it timidly. "Go away, Haymitch!" Katniss sobs and I retreat quietly. 

I wonder what has made her so riled up, so I knock once more. All I get in response is another wail. 

I guess I'll find out later. 

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