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The two walked into the auditorium in silence, simply preparing their words before they decided to finally talk. They reached the stage and sat down, sliding off their backpacks before facing each other. They both smiled awkwardly as their legs dangled of the stage, wondering who would dare to speak first.

Getting fed up with the silence, Gilbert decided he wanted to get this over with.

"I'm going to be blunt with you- I don't think that kiss yesterday was 'just friend stuff' and I don't believe you think that it was a friend-kiss either" Gilbert began, "The past couple days I've been very confused about... stuff, and I thought that you kissing me was going to make me even more confused but it actually has helped me realize how I feel. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but I at least want you to know that I felt something in that kiss and I'm not going to play it off as if it's just a normal thing that bros do. It's not."

Gilbert let out a large breath as he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He looked over at Alfred, who was avoiding eye contact. He looked uncomfortable. They sat in silence for what felt like hours, Gilbert fiddling with his hands as he waited for Alfred to say something. It wasn't until Gilbert nearly turned to leave that Alfred decided to speak.

"I- I'm confused" Alfred choked, "I haven't slept all night because I don't know why I did that. I never in my life have thought I was... gay- but I- nothing in my life has ever felt as right as when you kissed me and I just... don't get it! I couldn't help myself when I walked back into the locker room- I just wanted to kiss you and know for sure how I felt."

"I'm just as confused as you are Al- for all we know this is just a hormonal teenage freak-out we're both going through. But for now, we should just acknowledge that this happened" Gilbert stated, eliciting a nod from Alfred.

"I can't just turn off the feelings though- I just haven't stopped thinking about that kiss all night" Alfred replied, "I'm not gonna lie I've been thinking about kissing you this whole time." Gilbert felt his face turn a bit pink.

"You-you can if you want to" Gilbert muttered, shrugging his shoulders as Alfred looked up at him with a slight smirk. Alfred leaned forward slightly before the bell signaling first period loudly rang throughout the auditorium. They both jerked backwards from one another as they were brought back into reality.

They both stood up quickly and straightened themselves out, grabbing their bags as they went to head out of the auditorium. "See you at practice" Alfred waved awkardly, heading towards the door on the opposite side of the auditorium.

"I'll see you at lunch you idiot" Gilbert shot back with a laugh.

"Oh yeahhhh" Alfred muttered, eliciting a chuckle from Gilbert as they finally parted ways. Gilbert headed to his first class with a smile on his face, finally feeling a bit less confused. Now that he knew that they were on the same page, he was kind of glad. They were figuring out this whole dynamic bit by bit, but it seemed to be working. They didn't have to define their relationship- it just was what it was. No need for labels or confusing and rigid boxes.


At lunch Gilbert sat down with Antonio, remembering that he had kind of been a jerk to him earlier. Although being completely ignored first thing in the morning by one of his best friends, Antonio still seemed to be in a great mood. Then again, Antonio was always in a great mood. Gilbert didn't understand how the boy's brain functioned but it seemed like a nucler-powered seratonin factory.

"Gilbert! You want to hear the rest of the story from earlier?" the Spaniard asked. Gilbert didn't have the heart to say no.

"Totally- what happened to the bunnies?" Gilbert asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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