Zoned Out

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"Dude your catches today were amazing! You made everyone on the team look like JV." Alfred said to his best friend Gilbert as they headed back to the locker room after football practice.

"I couldn't have done it without your throws. They were awesome." Gilbert responded, affectionately nudging the American with his shoulder.

The two had just finished football practice, which had been 3 hours of intense conditioning and training for the home opener in a week or so. It was only the beginning of the school year, so they still had a lot of work to do, but the two stars of the team were already shining.

Alfred and Gilbert had been best friends ever since 6th grade when Gilbert moved to the United States from Germany with his brother. The two had immediately gotten along and now that it was their junior year of high school, they were practically inseparable. The two were especially known for their skills on the field and their chemistry, which seemed to lead their team to two championships in the past two years. The local paper had written at least 3 articles on the "superstar duo" that was Alfred and Gilbert, and almost everyone knew them as the two most talented athletes in the town.

Now that summer was over and school has started, the two were back to their normal routine of eat, sleep, school, football. Their entire practice had consisted of practicing plays and practicing Alfred's throws to Gilbert. The two were exhausted and were ready to get back in the locker room to relax before going home.

"Gilbert, dude, I have to tell you a secret" Alfred spoke as soon as the two made it into the locker room.

"What?" Gilbert replied, not even looking up from his cleats as he untied the red laces.

"Come here" Alfred commanded, motioning for Gilbert to step closer to him. Gilbert gave him a puzzled look before getting up from the bench and heading over to Alfred. Alfred quickly cupped his hand around Gilbert's ear as if to tell him a secret and leaned in before whispering,

"You smell like gym socks"

Gilbert immediately snorted and whacked Alfred with his towel, annoyed at his obnoxious best friend. "I would yell at you but I can't help but agree. I'm going to take a quick shower before I go home so Luddy doesn't strangle me in the car for smelling so bad." Gilbert chuckled, taking a sniff of his jersey before jerking his head back in disgust.

"I can drive you home if you want. If Ludwig wants to leave now you shouldn't make him wait." Alfred suggested. Alfred knew how angry Gilbert's brother got when Gilbert left him waiting too long. The brothers were both on the team, but Ludwig packed up much faster and preferred showering at home. Gilbert preferred the locker room. It was his home away from home.

"Thanks Al. I'll tell Luddy you're driving me and then I'll hop in the shower. Are you taking one too?" Gilbert asked, heading towards the sophomore section of the locker room to tell his brother he'd be staying a little longer.

"Yeah, Mattie gets pissed when I come home smelling like football." Alfred called out as he watched Gilbert turn the corner. Alfred listened from the other side of the wall of lockers as Ludwig groaned in annoyance.

"I could've left five minutes ago. I have to tutor Feliciano and now I'm going to be late." Ludwig complained, his voice laced with exhaustion and disappointment.

"Sorry! Have fun tutoring though. You and Feliciano always seem to have a fun time" Gilbert said in a slightly suggestive tone. Alfred couldn't see from behind the lockers, but he assumed Ludwig's face was bright red. When Gilbert returned from the other side of the lockers, he shot Alfred a wink and Alfred had to refrain from laughing. Gilbert had been teasing his brother about tutoring Feliciano ever since school started a few weeks back. Gilbert had told Alfred that he had walked in on the two in a very compromising position one night while they were doing their homework. Ever since then, Gilbert refused to stop teasing him.

"Bro, I think I'm going to take a shower too. I might as well take one if you are" Alfred spoke, lifting his jersey over his head. Gilbert nodded and looked over at Alfred before trailing his eyes down to his torso. Alfred was ripped from all the conditioning they had done during preseason, and for some reason, Gilbert found himself glued to the American's toned muscles. When Alfred looked back over at him and noticed him staring, he froze.

"Earth to Gilbert!" Alfred called out in a sing-songy voice, waving his hand in front of his friend's face to try to break him out of his trance. Gilbert immediately shook his head and looked back up, turning bright red as Alfred shot him a confused glance.

"S-sorry. I just zoned out." Gilbert stammered, hiding his face in embarrassment.

"Like what you see?" Alfred teased, jokingly stroking his abs as his friend's face turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Shut up" Gilbert shot back, playfully punching Alfred in the arm in embarrassment. Gilbert realized that he had been doing that a lot recently. He had been finding himself staring at Alfred for the majority of practice and now he was even staring at him in the locker room. He didn't know what it was, but he couldn't stop zoning out on his best friend. Alfred had noticed too, but he had decided not to say anything.

"Okay I'm going to take a shower before I have to bring you back from daydreaming again" Alfred said, grabbing his towel as he headed over to the showers. Gilbert nodded in agreement and grabbed his own towel, following Alfred as he mentally punched himself in the face.

Get it together, Gilbert.

I've been digging this ship recently for some strange reason.. Dunno why because I am obsessed with PruCan and UsUk... but um .. yeah... PruAme??? Are you down?? Because I'm down. This fic will probably suck so buckle your seatbelts kids it's going to be a bumpy ride..

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