The Reign Of The White Queen👑👩🏼‍🦳👑

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"Iracebeth of Crims, your crimes against Underland are worthy of death however that is against my vows therefore, you are banished to the Outlands no one is to show you any kindness or ever speak a word to you you will have not a friend in the world"  became the White Queens first ruling Stayne squeezes Chitose's hand worried of what his ruling/punishment will be he cautiously walks over to the White Queen and says "majesty I hope you bear me no ill will"  the White Queen looks at Stayne then at Chitose then back at Stayne and says "you have proven yourself by fighting alongside me and my people though you do have a lot to make up for and I will find a punishment fit for your crimes but for today....!"  the Red Knights take the Red Queen away and they all hear Hatter say "oh Frabjous Day! Callou! Callay!"  he takes ahold of Svajonė's hand and they dance the Futterwacken together smiling at one another as they do so it is a strange yet beautiful dance and they have always done it well together they were the best in the land when it came to such things "what are they doing?!"  Alice asks the Cheshire Cat who appears at her side with a soft chuckle "the Futterwacken"  the cat replies when they finish Hatter takes off his hat and bows before Svajonė as people clap for them and she curtsies as best one can without a dress on "blood of the Jabberwocky you have our everlasting gratitude and for your efforts on our behalf...."  the White Queen says to Alice after she walks over to the Jabberwocky's head and lets some drip in a vial and takes it over to her "will this take me home?"   Alice asks as she takes the vial from her "if that is what you choose"   the White Queen replies Alice looks at Chitose who says "I don't think I will....!"  she takes Stayne's hand in hers as she continues "I have found my place!.... I do not believe my family will remember me but as long as you never forget.... I think I will be okay with that!"  Alice lets out a soft chuckle "no more nightmares alright!?!"  Chitose teases with a smile Alice laughs and replies "I shall try to refrain from having anymore!"  she pauses then says "it will be hard.... without you there to help me cope"  Chitose tells her "you're stronger than you believe and braver than you know!.... stop worrying about what other people think and start doing what you believe is right, fair and just.... be the best Alice you can be!"   Alice smiles and replies "so I am the right Alice after all hmm!?!"   Chitose says with a smile "you always were! if you truly think about it it wasn't them that didn't believe it was you!.... they only echoed what you believed about yourself because that is how you projected yourself to them at the moment you had met.... for the second time!"  Alice chuckles then says "you and your weird words of wisdom!"   Chitose teases with a smile "I learned it all from the Hatter!"  Alice laughs Hatter grins then he becomes somber as he lets go of Svajonė's hand and walks over to Alice who was staring at the vial once more and starts to put it to her lips "you could stay"  Hatter says Alice turns to face him and replies "what an idea a crazy, mad wonderful idea but I cannot there are questions I have to answer and things I have to do"  she once again looks down at the vial and drinks the liquid within then says "be back again before you know it"   Hatter replies "you won't remember me"  Alice says "course I will! how could I forget Hatter why is a Raven like a writing desk?"  Hatter starts to smile as he replies "I haven't the slightest idea"  he leans forward and whispers into her ear "Fairfarren, Alice"  Svajonė walks up to him and takes his hand as Alice disappears the Hatter turns and hides his head in her shoulder she wraps her arms around him and hugs him to her and whispers into his ear "let's go home!"  he nods and lets her lead him away from the battlefield....

Hatter couldn't believe that he never noticed it before! as he held onto her hand after Alice had left he found himself fiddling with a ring on Svajonė's finger he mentioned it in "small conversation" once they got home "you're married!?!.... I can't believe you didn't tell me!.... I KISSED you and you're married!"  he fumes taking his hat off his head and tossing it on the ground "I thought....! I.... can't deal with this!.... not today!.... not after losing Alice!.... and now you....! why!?!.... why would you do that to me!?!"  she replies "sit down Tarrant and let me tell you a story"  Hatter plops down in a chair by a fireplace and as she starts to get a fire going Svajonė begins "when I was younger I fell in love!.... in was quite unintentional but it happened none the less!.... this boy that I loved had many different parts to him and I loved them all!.... I still do to this day and I will never stop!.... even if and when he stops loving me!.... he changed so much!.... I think he may have....! but it's hard to tell with him.... when I turned twenty a part of this boy who became a man had asked me to marry him.... and I guess he forgot to mention it to his other half for he seems as clueless as the Red Queen was when she had Alice sitting in her castle at her side and became her "favorite".... perhaps even more so....!"  Hatter let's out a soft short chuckle as she continues "this part of him has a deep Scottish Glaswegian accent that drives me mad and arouses me in ways I never thought a body could be aroused!...."  Hatter's eyes widen and he wondered if she was talking about him as her story continues "I never felt worthy of him but I hoped against all hope that someday that would change and yet.... I still feel like I am unworthy!.... now so more than ever.... I never take this off!.... he made it for me which in itself makes it more special than anything I have ever owned!.... especially when it isn't his particular trade I think you need to get a better look at it Tarrant so here.... have a look!"  she pulls her wedding ring off her finger and tosses it to him it was shaped much like Hatter's own hat with gems of the same color inside his already large eyes became larger as he recognized the craftsmanship used to make the ring and he knew that it WAS him that she spoke of "I'm sorry!"  he whispers she smiles and replies "it's alright.... it's been a long few years for the both of us.... I knew why you tried to forget that day but.... I never thought either side of you would EVER forget me!.... I tried.... SO HARD to save them!.... I searched and searched and never found them!.... they were my family too Tarrant!!.... I loved them!.... I love you!.... I've always loved you!!"  he stands up rushes over to her and as his lips met hers he slides her wedding ring back on her finger making her smile "as we were coming to the battlefield Chitose told me that she finally understood why she looks like me.... why she feels like she never belonged in London.... where she and Alice lived.... she told me that she believed that she was made for the purpose of helping Stayne see the error of his ways and help him find a new path!.... she told me that when we were little he fell in love with me and would watch me from afar but was never brave enough to come near me for he feared that I would reject him for everyone but the one I love knew how I feel about that one person who lives two lives!"  Svajonė tells Hatter "who would do such a thing Tarrant!?!.... and why!?!"  she asks looking into his eyes "I don't know!"  he replies she could see him start to become angry and softly places her hand over his as she says in a soft voice "I only told you because I don't want any secrets between us Tare!.... not because I wanted to upset you.... people have been wondering why I have a twin without having a twin.... does that even make any sense!?!"  he chuckles and replies "it does to me"  she smiles and says "of course it does!"   she pauses then says as she stands up "there is someone I think you should meet"  he looks at her strangely but follows her out the door none the less.....

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