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"I'm going back!" I yelled, turning around. My letter flew out of my pocket in the process, I turned around so violently, but I didn't care. I wouldn't need it.

"Oh, really?" Truth said, amused. "You're willing to give up your own family for your friends, who aren't even your own blood?"

"They're not just my friends," I said. "They're the best family I could ever ask for."

"Alright, alchemist. Go back to that world."

With that, the great stone doors opened, and I walked without any hesitation into the darkness held there, my decision completely clear in my mind.

I blacked out for only a moment, before I reawoke. I was on my hands and knees in the middle of the transmutation circle I had drawn, and it had begun to rain. The chalk was washing off into the river.

But the moon was still shining bright through a crack in the clouds, and with its light I could see Edward's shape illuminated in the darkness. He was running toward my direction. He must've seen the glow from transmuting.

"Violet!" He yelled, his golden hair turned silver by the moon, flying in crazy wet strands.

Before I could say anything, he threw his arms around me, and pulled me into a strong hug.

He was warm, and I felt safe in his embrace. I realized I had made the best decision.

I pushed him away a little bit, and then officially lost my mind.

I kissed him.

His lips were tight in shock against mine, but after a short moment they loosened and he allowed me to deepen the kiss. He tasted like rain and sugar. He tucked his metal hand behind my head and pulled me to him, our bodies wrapping around each other's like a perfect puzzle.

We pulled away, panting and catching our breath. It was only drizzling, but for some reason the rain and wind made his scent stronger, and I was dizzy was ecstacy.

"Violet..." He said. "I...I..."

"No you don't, idiot," I chided, gently but firmly. "You can't love me yet. I'm barely my own person." I laughed. "Heck, barely all I know is that I loved to write!"

"Hobbies and joys aren't what make a person," Edward said, tucking wet strands of hair behind my ear. "It's the circumstances around a person, and how they respond to them, that's what makes a person. And after all you've gone through, instead of being an emotionless slate, you've faced this world with open arms. You've been eager to explore, to learn and enjoy the little things. And I think I might've fallen in love with that alone." Even in the dim moonlight, I could tell he was blushing hard. "I know I will fall even harder for the person you'll become."

"Ah, I think I might love you too, you dork," I teased, and pulled him in for another hug.

I had found my true home at last.

"Come on," I told him. "The others will get worried we were out so late." I winked at him. "Let's make up some scandalous excuse."

"W-Wha?" He stuttered.

"Just kidding!" I teased, laughing. Laughing because I was happy with the simple, beautiful things. The rain on my skin, Edward's taste on my lips, the moonlight on the water.

"Let's go save the world, you and I," I said, and grabbed his hand, leading him off onto the moonlit path.

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