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 "So, how's life?" I asked Envy as he set down my daily cup of water and bread. "Anything new in your fascinating life?"

"Oh please, don't try small talk on me," he snapped, slipping my tray underneath my bars. "It's not my fault you're bored to death."

"It kind of is, though," I remarked, resting my chin on my hands in a pouty way. "Do you want me to go crazy in here? I doubt I'd be of much use talking to the walls when the time comes. I won't even know it when I do remember my dreams. I'll be wandering crazytown."

"Ok, ok, calm down," Envy said, annoyance heavy in his tone. "What do you want?"

"How long has it been since I've been in here?" I asked, secretly afraid to hear the answer. "I can't tell when it's night or day in here."

"About a week," Envy replied, picking at his nails.

My heart sank in my chest. A whole week and no sign of my friends? I couldn't deny I was hurt. I didn't want anyone to risk their lives for me...but absolutely no sign of getting out of here weighed on me quite a bit as well.

"Maybe I could go out for a walk or something?" I asked, brightening up. "I'm dying to see the sun again."

Envy laughed. "I suppose that'd be appropriate for a human like you, to be walked like a dog. But no, nice try though. I'm afraid your valiant escape attempts will have to be more thought out next time."

"It's really not that, but ok," I said, slumping against the wall in my cell. "Maybe I could get some blankets or someth-"

"What do you think this is, a hotel?" Envy barked, cutting me off. "I have better things to do than cater to you." Before I could say anything more, he stalked off into the darkness.

"Ugghh," I sighed, running my hands through my hair. What was there to do? Braid my hair again? I held the coarse strands in my hand. I only had an occasional bucket of freezing water to wash myself with. It made my hair slightly out of control. Well, more than it already was, anyways.

"I wish I had something to write with," I mumbled to myself, and then stopped my train of thought in its tracks.

"Write with?" I whispered, clenching my fists.

Did my past self like to write?

Ideas flooded in, of writing my journey down to share with others, of jotting thoughts and romances and adventures down on paper. The beauty of creativity. The power and joy of being a poet, a weapons expert, a flirt, a murderer, an artist, a hippie, a soldier. I could be anything.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, scaring my Chimera guards.

I had found a snippet of my personality after long last. I hastily tucked it into the recesses of my mind. I couldn't lose the one part of me that I remembered.

I placed my hands on the cold bars that currently held me captive. How was I going to get out of here?

Boom! A huge explosion sounded down the hallway, followed by lots of shouting and clashing.

My heart leapt inside my rib cage. Could it be that I was being rescued?

My golden haired savior came running down the hallway, panting and sweating.

"Edward!" I cried out, reaching a hand instinctively through the bars towards his direction.

"Huh?" He stuttered, and in the moment he made eye contact with me, Envy came up behind him and plunged a knife into his back.

"EDWARD!" I screamed, trying to get through the bars, without success, of course.

"It's so amusing, how you humans always do this," Envy giggled. "Time after time. You never fail to come scampering after your captured loved ones."

Edward was collapsed on the ground, his breathing ragged and slowed. Blood poured out of the stab wound, and I winced as Envy wrenched it out.

"Augh!" Edward screamed, and I could see his metallic fist carving ditches into the rocky ground.

Scarlet stained everywhere. I hated the color red at that moment. It blended into his torn garment and all I could see was red, red everywhere, over him and under him and pooled all around him.

"We have to keep you alive, unfortunately, but who's to say we can't have a little fun before nursing you back to health, eh?" Envy sneered, and kicked Edward right in his wound. He cried out, and then abruptly cut his cries. I realized this was to prevent his friends from coming and finding him, and then getting hurt as well.

Why did he have to be so selfless? It would be the end of him!

Red was everywhere.

Envy needed to go.

And regardless of reality, regardless of Truth or anything that made sense, I kicked down the walls blocking me from my dream memories right there and then, and became the most powerful person in the world at that moment.

Well, I didn't know that then.

All I did know, was that there was too much red, and I hated that color. I hated Envy. And I hated the screams coming out of Edward.

And so fueled by the potent power of pure hatred, electricity sparked, and I screamed as the metal bars melted away.

I glanced at the Chimeras, which were now snarling at me, and they blew up in flames.

Envy's eyes were exactly what I wanted to see as I stalked up to him. The eyes of fear.

"Nani?" He exclaimed, stumbling backwards. "That's impossible! You didn't move your hands at all. You don't even have a Philosopher's Stone!"

I stepped over Edward's barely breathing body, my foot becoming soaked in liquid vermillion. "You don't know Truth like I do," I whispered.

I snapped my fingers, and a blade shot from the stone wall, cleaving Envy in half. He screamed in pain, dropping to the ground and writhing as his two halves slowly sewed back together.

"What are you?!" He shrieked.

His shrieks were getting to me. My fury was fading rapidly, and a great and powerful sadness came over me. Envy's question was legitimate. What was I?

He took advantage of my pause, and scrambled away, his bottom half having just reattached. I considered pursuing him, but it wasn't worth it. Not when Edward's life was bleeding out onto the stones.

I squatted down to him, and laid my hands over his wound. He was unconscious now, but I knew there was still time to save him. Without even having to think hard beyond, 'heal him', his muscles, sinews, and bones were patched up in no time. The bleeding stopped and his breathing became peaceful.

Battle noises sounded in the distance, as they had the whole time, but they ceased after a while.

"Edward!" I heard Alphonse's voice calling down the passageway.

"We're over here!" I called back to him.

Alphonse arrived, along with a man I hadn't met yet with an X shaped scar across his face, and a young girl with long black braids. "Nisan!" He cried out when he saw all the blood. "We need to get him to a hospital!"

"He's alright," I said breathlessly. "I healed him."

Everyone just stared at me in silence. "That can't be," Alphonse said quietly. "You don't have alchemy."

I looked up, meeting where his eyes would be.

"I do now," I whispered.

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