Chapter 3

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“Did I ever tell you how much I love you?” Anna mumbled, half asleep.

I clutched my ears. They always hurt when I traveled by plane. And they were always plugged when I landed. It was a terrible curse. What was worse was when I didn’t have gum. I chewed it ferociously now. “Yes, you have.” She’d said it about…I stopped to think. Fifty-three times since I’d told her we were going to the concert. Give or take a few.

“Mm. Sleep,” she said.

I groaned, my ears making my head pound. “No! You stay with me through my pain!”

“I’ll never let go Jack,” she said with a smile, her eyes closed.

“Oh, yeah, great. It’ll be goodbye in about two minutes then.”

She giggled, and I smiled hugely too. We loved that movie. We also loved making fun of that part, even though we cried every time, without fail.

My head started pounding, and my ears felt like they were bursting, and I groaned again. I tried to fall asleep, even though it was useless, even with music. It would just make it worse.

Only thirty more minutes, I told myself. The flight from Boise to Salt Lake City wasn’t very long. My mom was passed out in the aisle seat across from me, and Anna was already starting to nod off again by the window. My amazing support group was always there for me.

I took a few deep breaths. This was all worth it. I knew it was. Hey, maybe one of the guys would fall in love with Anna and then I could go shopping in Paris every other weekend. I smiled a little at that thought. Anna would have to take her pick from Harry or Niall, and she’d long since chosen Niall, as have most of my other friends, unless they were extremely dedicated to one of the other boys, as some of them were.

Louis, Liam, and Zayn were still dating Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie, respectively. Anna had always been worried that the world was going to end when less than half of One Direction was single over the summer, and sometimes I worried the same thing with her. When Liam and Danielle broke up, I cried very awkwardly into my friend Braden’s shoulder at a dance that night. When they got back together in December over the period of time when the boys performed at Madison Square Garden, I was about leaping for joy. Danielle and Liam would always be the couple I looked up to.Though Anna had picked Niall, my other friends had claimed every other boy except Harry. So, since I was only allowed to think of Harry, I thought of the brown curls and tried to forget about the plane…

“Mera!” Anna hissed, and I felt a pillow hit my face.

“I’m up!” I said, trying to roll over on the bed, but my amazing sense of skill just let me fall off. I groaned. I glanced at the clock above me, but the edge of the nightstand obscured my view. “What time is it?”

“That doesn’t matter. Get your shorts on and a bra, we’re going.”

I felt around lazily for my tennis shoes. “Finally! I know you really want to see them here, but I’m sure they’re in and out without a whisper.”

“I know, I know. So I decided we should stop wasting this time and go out for some air.”

Saturday was spent sleeping and freaking out that we were actually here. Then I got a text from Sam saying that One Direction was here already and would be in the same hotel as us, and they would probably be out sight-seeing, but they’d be here all week up until the concert. Anna had flipped and demanded we stay in the hotel and lobby and pool, doing nothing but waiting and watching for them. I had gone along pliantly at first, but after a whole day of doing nothing on Sunday I had gotten bored. I now saw that it was seven-thirty on Monday morning.

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