Chapter 2

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My mom had been on the phone for 45 minutes before she finally hung up. "Wow."

"But we did get the tickets, right?"

Mom waved me away. "Yes. We can get them later today. This is a very nice thing you're doing for Anna, Mera."

"She deserves it. Now, about the driving situation we have. Anna doesn't have her license yet, but I'll drive halfway in the light, if you're worried, and I'll stay up with you through the night, and I'll pay for the hotel, somehow, and--"

My mom started laughing. "Honey, honey, stop it, really. I told you this was nice. We fly there. Everything is paid for, even the hotel. We just need spending money and food money."

"I already have that."

She nodded, and I could feel that she was trying to think of everything that could possibly make this adventure impossible. Just to be prepared, like she was. "Okay," she said finally. "There are two tickets, three flying tickets. I can't go to the concert with you, but I can trust you to do that. Sam also mentioned a surprise that she would call and tell you about on your cell phone. So keep it close. There are a lot of One Direction related things in this package."

"That's fine by me," I giggled, failing at hiding the anticipation.

"However, we leave tomorrow morning, very early, and we get to Salt Lake before nine. We have to stay a week. We leave the day after the concert, on Saturday. Now this might be a little bit of a bump--I'll have to leave the day of the concert, but since Anna will technically be an adult by then I'm sure everything will be fine. Does everything sound good?"

I sighed, content. "It sounds perfect," I told her, already off in dreamland.

I didn't even worry about a car or a bike. I sprinted in my mind. Really, I walked the four or five blocks or so. Anna was barely half a mile away from where I lived. But then I started jogging, feeling her light that radiated when she was happy in my mind. I'm sure I would feel it bright and blinding when I told her the news.

Suddenly, I started running. Not as fast as I could have, but enough. I ran across the busy street without looking, and I heard a car honk, but it was just one of my neighbors that I knew. I kept running. Five minutes later, I'd reached Anna's neighborhood.

My tennis shoes pounded on the pavement. I could feel my neck and face starting to get hot and felt sweat start to form around my hairline as I continued. The sun was rising to my right, but it wasn't nearly hot or high enough to annoy me. I narrowly missed tripping over a recycling bin and a sprinkler; I wasn't very coordinated when my goal was straight in front of me. I trampled a few plants by the edges of driveways and lawns, but for the most part the suburb Anna lived in didn't notice my excited arrival to her house.

I launched myself at her door, pounding on it loudly. When there wasn't an answer, I took a step back and mentally smacked myself, feeling bad. I'm sure I'd woken up Anna and her family. How rude of me.

I shrugged. Anna would forgive me pretty quickly for sure.

The door suddenly swung inwards. Anna's little brother Ash stood there, rubbing sleep out of his hazel eyes. "What do you want Mera?" he asked.

I hugged the 13 year old boy and invited myself in. "You know I love you Ash. Where's Anna?"

"Asleep. Why? What happened?" he asked.

I grabbed his hand, excited. "Something amazing," I told him.

He snorted. "Did you finally get asked out?"

I smacked his arm. "No, you little brat, that's not the something I'm talking about. And with that mouth, no girl will ever agree to go out with you."

He smiled at me.

"Aw. I love you anyway little brother," I said, messing up his hair and dashing up the stairs before he could do something worse.

I barged into Anna's room, taking it all in. It seemed too small for her. Books were crammed on the bookcase, which was right packed tight against the white dresser she had. Her walls were covered with pictures, and her green paint looked old and faded. The floor was littered with shoes and fallen books, and I didn't even want to look at her closet. It always looked like it was puking clothes. I still knew I loved Anna's room. It was so normal. I stepped over her cat which was asleep on the floor.

Then I pounced on her bed, no longer able to contain it as my hysteria took me over.

"Anna! Wake up! This is a major announcement! Get! Up," I screamed at her, slapping her head a few times.

"Hey," she yelled in protest, and she took me by surprise and shoved me off of her twin bed. I fell to the floor with a crash, and into a wad of black cat hair, which also covered her white carpet, on closer inspection. Anna's cat, Leila, hissed at my commotion and left the room.

I popped up again to look at a grumpy Anna. I rubbed my head. "What was that for?"

"You woke me up!"

"I'm sorry! It's important though. This is life-changing. Maybe, if circumstances are right and by some amount of luck, maybe a miracle, you figure something out..." I rambled, thinking about Anna's plans to marry Niall Horan one day.

Anna rolled her eyes. "What the heck are you talking about? It's early. The sun is barely up!"

I glared at the girl who went to bed at eight-thirty. Of course, she rarely slept a whole night through. "Do you want to know or not?"

"Not really," she said, and rolled over to face her window.

I sighed. "Fine, it's your choice. I'll just take my mom to the One Direction concert."

I got up and started walking out of the room. I was quickly assaulted and Anna and I fell down the short set of stairs that led from her room to the living room. "What did you say?" I heard a half screamed, half choked sentence come out of Anna.

Ash was still in the living room, and now he looked at us with terrified eyes as he saw our sprawled bodies on the floor. I quickly scrambled up and grabbed Anna's shoulders.

"We're going to the One Direction concert. VIP, in Salt Lake City, tomorrow morning, on an airplane, and we get to meet them, I mean, obviously, but, yeah..." I babbled.

"Shut up!" Anna yelled.


"No way."

"Totally true. I swear."

We started jumping up and down, dancing and screaming until Anna's parents finally came down and asked what the fuss was.

"I love you. I love you, I love you, and I love you. I will love you until the day I die and it still won't be enough. Mera, I love you more than I will love my future husband, the only exception being if he is Niall Horan. I love you to the ends of the earth and back, as deep and vast and everlasting as the ocean."

I laughed. "Thanks."

"I love you," is all Anna said after that.

Summer Love (A One Direction/Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now