Dreamer (Abbey's POV)

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Last Time: John tells Abbey he wants to adopt her and care for her as his daughter.


When Mr John told me he wanted to be my daddy I was so happy! I'm going to have a daddy! Mr John or should I say daddy was just about to say something when there was a knock at the door. A women with red hair was standing there. She told daddy that he was needed down stairs and there was something he needed to see. "I'll be right back Abbey, OK?" daddy asked, "OK, daddy!" I said smiling. He looked at me shocked for a moment before smiling, "You called me daddy! She called me daddy!" he said happily. He picked me up and twirled me around making me laugh. "You are my daddy, that's what you said you wanted me to be!" I told him. He smiled "from now on I will always be your dad, I have to go downstairs stay here OK?" he asked. I nodded and sat down on the bed. He turned and headed downstairs.

The women was still here, the minute he left she turned to me and came into the room, shutting the door behind her. "Stay away from him you little minx! You understand?! Because if you don't there will be serious consequences!" She said angrily. I trembled in fear, she was so mean, I hadn't even done anything. "Who... who are you and why are you so mean? I haven't done anything" I said quietly. "My name is Sonia and John is mine and if you don't stay away I will punish you!" She said. She raised her hand and slapped me hard across the face. I screamed in fear and pain.

There was a thunder of feet and daddy bust into the room. "Get away from my daughter! How dare you hurt her! We're over Sonia, don't you dare come near me or Abbey again!" he yelled. Sonia backed up and fled the room. Daddy walked over and knelt next to me "Shh it's ok, she's gone now" he said pulling me into his arms hugging me. "I've got you Abbey, I'm here, it's alright, I'm here, I've got you" he said quietly, he held me close letting me cry into his shirt.

"Is everything ok in here? I heard a scream" said a voice from the doorway. Daddy stood up still holding me in his arms, a beautiful women with brown hair stood here. "What happened?! Is she ok?" she said looking very worried. "Sonia slapped her and told her to stay away from me" daddy said. I looked up at him "you heard what she said" I asked. He nodded, "she won't ever hurt you again, I promise" He told me. "Alexa this is Abbey, Abbey this is Alexa, she is a friend of mine and has a son who is a two years younger than you" he told me. "She's pretty" I said. This made daddy and Alexa laugh, "she sure is" he said quietly to me. "John, Marcos is gone!" said Clarice as she walked up to us.


Cliff hanger! Sorry I couldn't help myself.

Next time: the hunt for Marcos begins and Abbey meets Alexa's son and nieces.

In the next chapter i will introduce the Struckers into the story.

In this chapter I wanted to find a way to introduce Dreamer and have a moment of her and Abbey. I don't like dreamer so I portrayed her as hating Abbey and wanting John for herself. I also wanted to find a way to break up John and Sonia (dreamer) and introduce Alexa from my other story in this series (which is in the works currently) in a possible romantic way.

This is White Tala signing off.

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