Fat & Skinny

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Okay time to get serious

*puts on mask* 

so i know a lot of people. And some of them are fat while others are skinny. 

Simple as that. 

The thing that annoys me the most is when people say that saying someone is fat, that is not okay. That is rude. That is horrible. but when it comes to telling someone they're skinny? go the fuck ahead!!!!!1!1!!!! skinny is gud!!!!! 


well skinny is a body type

so is fat

they can both be sexy, and ugly. 

we should judge, yes. but we should not say that fat is bad and skinny is good. because you know what? 

some skinny people want to be fat

and some fat people want to be skinny

that's it and it shouldn't be like that because people should be satisified and they should know that they are perfect the way they are but they don't and that really sucks and so we should stop labelling and start believing

this makes a lot of sense in my head but probably not to you

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