Face The Fire

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"Get up now Evan."

I grunted and flexed my jaw as I laid on the ground of our living room. Sharp pain errupted and I had to fight the groan that threatening to slip from my swollen lips. The last thing I needed was for him to see me in pain, weakened at his feet. I looked up at the man who towered over me, his eyes flaring yet calculating waiting for me to make a move.

Using the coffee table for support, I pulled myself to my feet without looking away from his gaze, thought my mind shrieked at me to do otherwise. He's going to kill me. This is worse than usual. Why am I still standing here?! Even with these thoughts, I squared my shoulders and lifted my chin definantly at him which only seemed to piss him off more. Good. I want you to come at me again, fucking Bastard. 

Suddenly, his expression calmed and relaxed into a mocking calm. "What's with that stance, Boy? You think you can fight me? Protect those little bitches hiding from me like rats?". I almost flung myself at him. My mom and sister were going to get out of here safe. I promised them. I continued to watch him, strolling comfortably over to a desk with our family picture in it. Each face filled with bright smiles from the past, with hopeful futures. 

I want to destroy it.

The man picked up the portrait, studying it. "You think I don't know about you all? What you've all been doing lately?" he chuckled humorlessly, "I do pay attention to bank statements. I know when money is added and when some is-" he looks up at me suddenly and without wasting a single second,flings the wood-framed photo at me. I ducked down reflexively, knowing I can't afford another hit to the head, but I'm unprepared to see him up in my face, his hands closing around my throat tightly, pushing me roughly into the nearest wall.

"Shit!". I grab at his handed, trying to claw at his grip as panic begins to seize me. I feel myself begin to shake as tears threaten to build up as he forces my gaze to meet his. He wants me to see his joy. The joy of him torturing me, of seeing the fear seeping from my eyes.

The joy of knowing he could control me. Control Us.

He spits in my face sneering down at me . "How could you all be this stupid?! And to trust your mother with the job of stealing from ME? Priceless." Releasing his grip on my neck, he barely gives me a chance to catch my breath before gripping my forearm and shoving me around the corner to the kitchen.The Kitchen.


Oh. But it's too late.

I yell and thrash in his grip, knowing what would wait for me when we arrived there. This fuels some laughter from him as he restrains both of my arms, leaving bruises.

"Now now, Evan. You should be used to this by now." He gives me a sickly sweet smile as he whispers this into my ear. He drags me to the oven and turns the gas high on the stove. He waits a minute, not for the heat to reach it's full power, but to enjoy enjoy me. To enjoy the anxiety and fear that's rolling off of me in waves now.

"Ah. That should be good, shouldn't it, boy?". Grabbing a large set of metal tongs, he holds it right on the firing. admiring the steam and heat that radiates off of his utensil. "Now here comes my favorite part." Lifting it from the fire, he yanks up my forearm and turns it until the tongs are held just above my wrist.

 That's when I finally break.

Tears stream down my face as I yank furiously at my arm, my breath coming in large gasps. I try to stare through my blurry vision, looking, needing anything to save me from this. I pray to set my sights on a knife, wanting to end everything there. Fuck trying to save everything else I care about.

Isn't it okay to just want to save yourself?

Before my thoughts can even continue to think about this, hot searing pain shoots up my arm and I shriek until my voice goes hoarse. I hear my father's gut-wrenching laughter through the haze of pain, loving the show of my pain. He presses the tongs harder against my skin, and I can only watch as my tanned skin whitens, then wrinkles and blackens as the heat penetrates it, burning through. I almost black out. I want to black out.

But as you know, God usually takes his steady time giving you the things you want.

As he releases me, I fall limp to the floor clutches my arm against my chest, begging for the pain to stop. He walks around me, studying his work expressionless. I can only weakly glare at him. "Are you fucking happy with your work?!".

He continues to study my gaze silently, then a small smile touches his lips and he slams his foot into my stomach. I gasp and choke, feeling blood spill from my mouth.

"I have to say, that was a little too easy for you... now that you're used to it. How about something a little more... interesting?". He bends over and pulls me to my feet. Desperately, I swing my fists at him slamming one into his jaw, but he catches me and shoves me too the ground making pain shoot up my body.

"You still think you can fight me after this? You know you've always been weak." Before I can move, he brings his foot down hard against my shin, his 196 pounds almost crushing my leg. He brings it down once, twice, enjoying the sound of my cries bouncing from the walls.

Yanking me back up, he shoves me into the oven screaming in my ears. I can finally feel the comfort of the black spots in my gaze as I feel myself drifting off, fainting. From the corner of my eyes, I see 2 pairs of bright blue eyes filled with tears from the hall, watching and fearing for me.

Leaving me.

I look at my mother and sister, commiting their faces to memory as they break their gazes away from  mine and run, my dad too distracted to notice. Too distracted to see them running free.

Knowing this, I smile as I'm swallowed into darkness.

Just before he brings my face to the stove.


 Author's Note:

Bet you thought this was going to continue the first story. Well...

SURPRISE!!! (Now it's not rape c;)

This is going to be filled with different stories! :D

If you don't like that.... Q.Q Then that's too bad pooheads

Comment/ Vote Blah blah blah if you liked it! c:

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WHY YOU NO LIKE IT?!? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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