Happy Birthday

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I pulled my coat tighter around me for like the millionth time trying to keep the warmth in my body. Jesus it was freezing! And wet. Those two combined equaled icky weather.

"Jace! I knew it! I knew you were trying to freeze me to death out here!," I gestured around to the giant forest that surrounded us,"Either that, or we're gonna be attacked by Slenderman!."

Jace stopped walking to laugh down at me. "No way. Slender would kill you, but he would rape me in the anus. No women, man, nor psyco killer can resist," he struck the lamest model pose I had ever seen in my life," these beautiful dimples that God had gifted me with."

I rolled my eyes."Slender doesn't even have any eyes loser."

He rubbed his chin thinking about it. "And yet he always finds me. What the crap?!," he broke out in a grin and jumped on my back like a mental monkey," Hide yo' kids! Hide yo' wives!".

My knees gave under his weight and I landed, yes, face first into the snow.

He got up, shook out pieces of snow from his wavy brown curls, and looked down at me disapprovingly. 'If only you were a weight lifter.I like being carried. Makes me feel like I'm reaching deep within my feminine side."

"Shush your face!", I dusted off my knees and a new rush of shivers ran down my spine. "Can you hurry up and take us to where ever we're going before I turn into a human-flavored popcicle?"

"Yes Ma'am! Right this way!", he saluted me before grabbing my hand and leading my deeper into the forest.

After another 20 lame jokes, I could feel his excitement. "You're not gonna believe what I found. I know you'll love it!",he attached himself to my back again like a baby koala," Now no peeking child!".

"Like I can!". It felt like his fingers were about to dig into my eye sockets! What is with guys and the strength of their fingers?!

"We're here." His voice was suddenly quiet. He took his hands off my face and I was nearly blinded from the light that reflected of the snow. Then I really saw it.

We stood in front of a huge lake that was covers like a glistening layer of ice. The gray trees that lines it seemed to be twisted in various ways that made the silver branches seem to look like beautiful gates.Only in a dream did I think I could find a view like this, but of course Jace had found it. He was always good with finding beautiful things that people would never believe. Especially in people.

"Oh my Jesus", I turned and found him leaning against the tree watching me nervously, then turned back to the lake,"Oh my.... Oh my...!".

"Do you like it?". He bit his lip and looked down at his shoes like a little boy afraid he got his mom the wrong gift for Mother's Day, which was slightly adorable...for him.

"Do I like it? Do I like it?!", I spun around feeling like a ballerina then ran to hug him," Idiot boy! This is friggin' amazing! How did you find this place?! I demand knowledge!".

He let out an uneasy sigh and laughed, wrapping his arms around me. Oh, the warmth...,"You know me," he winked down at me,"I'm like Harry Potter."

"Yes, you are!". I grabbed his hands and we jumped around the area, dancing like little kids surrounded by this hidden world for the next 20 minutes. I couldn't believe I had a best friend like him. It was too good to be true, and yet here we were, laughing, forgetting about everything else except this moment.

And then my stupid phone had to ring.

Thanks God.

I reached into my pocket and looked at the caller ID. Mom. As always, she was having a stalker fit from not having me in her sight 24/7, and once she did have me in her sight she wouldn't shut up until she tired out her mouth muscles for the day.

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