Part 2- Torture scene

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Howdy Bitches, what's up broskeys?  The ceiling? Hahaha very fucking funny.
I posted part 1 yesterday or earlier today (depends when I publish), nothing's changed, I still don't give a fuck.
Would you rather be a bitch or broskey? I need to know so I can properly greet you.
Anyway enough of this bullshit, time for a trashy torture scene. (Hopefully I get up to that before I get too lazy)
P.s to give some backstory. (Going to change this a bit Sir Rubygous, just so meh few readers can understand)
Satoru is a teacher and Ryoko is a graduated student. Satoru doesn't like being corrected.
So maybe (since I'm winging this change) Ryoko correct Satoru on the 'Worlds Greatest Math Test' or some shit like that so now Satoru is taking revenge on Ryoko by dragging him to his house and torturing him.... to death...... yay death

Ryoko had only realised now that Satoru was standing in front of him with a bread knife, a long, sharp bread knife. Ryoko stupidly decided to ask, "W-what are you d-doing Satoru?", there was no answer from the teacher. Satoru only started to saw his shirt off, not caring if the knife dug into skin, actually, Satoru was purposefully trying rip and tear at the skin as he shred the shirt to pieces the bread knife. Ryoko cried, screamed and squirmed as much as he could, sadly to no avail, the movement only caused more cuts to appear on his skin. Once most of the shirt was torn into bits on the floor Satoru took the remaining fabric off Ryokos torso. The moonlight that managed to creep through the boarded up windows shone dimly on Ryoko, showing his bleeding body, Satoru smiled maniacally at his work.

Although Satoru was happy with what he did, he still wasn't satisfied. He threw open a draw that had normal kitchen appliances inside. Looking inside, Satoru thought for a few seconds before grabbing out a meat tenderiser. In seconds, Ryoko felt the metal object smash into his left knee cap, then his right. Ryoko let out loud yells and heavy breathing that could be easily mistaken for a pack of hungry wolves.
"Poor Ryoko, I'm going to have to do the same to your shins." Satoru finally said something.
"W-why?" Ryoko managed to pant out.
"Because I didn't get to hear the sound of your bones be smashed into little pieces." Satoru explained.
As soon as he finished talking Satoru swung the tenderiser down, luckily for Ryoko, it didn't break any bones, but unlucky Ryoko, it did scrape off a lot of skin. Unsatisfied, Satoru walked off. In that moment Ryoko should of felt hope, bliss or even extreme luck. But he didn't. He only felt worse and worse the more time went on without the crazy man in front of him. He felt a need to scream for Satoru to come back. He felt like the more time went on without him, the more pain he was going to be in when he came back. Sadly, for Ryoko, this was going to be all too true.

About five minutes passed when Satoru came back to the kitchen. He dragging a surgeon trolley behind him, on it was a lot of everyday things that, only to sane people, were going to be used for not-so-much everyday things.

Boom! Part 2
I have to shower and do meh homework that I was supposed to do yesterday.
Probs will post another part later.
If you're wondering where I'm getting the torture ideas from it's either from meh own brain (don't send meh to a mental hospital. Trust meh I only came up with da bread knife a meat tenderiser part so far) or from stories that I've read. So don't come at meh if you've read a certain torture method before. Ciel, if you're wondering, no, I will not be using a corkscrew.

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