Feeling like a piece of shit- Torture scene

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Imma write a piece of shit with horrible grammar and punctuation... So don't yell at meh in da comments that 'its' needs an apostrophe or shit like that, got it? This also probs won't have any talking because I don't give enough fucks right now to deal with thinking about what some one is going to say. (Btw sorry Austriapringle imma change the setting a bit but it won't be a huge difference, it's just going to be the house and where da house is)
P.S I should be doing meh homework right now.
P.P.S just as I started typing this "torture" Welcome to the madness started playing.
Ryoko, a tall, dark green haired male, was tied to a chair in the large, modern kitchen. The man in standing in front of him was called Satoru, he had long, light brown hair that reached his hips tied in a low ponytail, the clothes he wore were not important because, not to Ryokos knowledge, were going to get stained with blood... Ryokos blood.

It was midnight, the streets outside were empty, apart from the stray cats and the occasional gangs that roared through the streets only to cause chaos. The neighbourhood that Satoru lived in was... unpopular, to say the least. The reason to it being "unpopular" was that the government and all councils had given up on it decades ago. The streets were covered with trash, bugs and rodents. The houses were either graffitied head to toe or eaten by termites, some even had the unlucky fate of both. Luckily for Satoru he lived in a house that was only graffitied, although his house may look exactly the same as the others in this neighbourhood, the inside of his house was soundproofed and renovated to point that you would forget that you were in a neighbourhood that was more rundown than anything.

Part 1 done ( it wasn't meant to be in parts I'm just to lazy to finish it today)

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