Chapter 27 - My Promise to you

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There I was again, standing at my favourite spot, letting the fresh breeze from the sea caress my rosy cheeks. I loved spending time at the top of the cliff, a short walk from home, just staring at the horizon and admiring the rising sun shed its warm light on a brand-new day. I would try to come every morning if the weather allowed it, and come back every evening to observe the world come to a truce. It made me feel alive, the wind in my hair, the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves. Making one with nature.

Those were precious moments that I would never miss, because it was only you and I my love. And our baby. Boy or girl? What do you think Andrew? I don't mind and I'm sure you don't either. Life will tell us. I promise I'll love this baby for the both of us and make sure that you're part of its life, one way or another. You've given me the greatest of all gifts my love, you've never abandoned me. I carry your heart with me, at all time. I bless all the memories of the moments we have shared; I used to see them as a curse, a harsh reminder of my loss. But I see now that I'm lucky to have these moments to remember. The first time we met and the way you smiled warmly at me, our talks almost every evening that I would look forward to, when I thought we were only just friends, and the looks we exchanged that told me that maybe there was more; I remember the feeling that invaded my heart that day when your fingers connected with my skin as you brushed my cheek, sending electricity down my spine, and looked at me as if I was the most beautiful flower you had laid eyes on in this field; I remember our first kiss, the joy and the pain mixed in an overwhelming feeling, finally welcoming your love but fearing for your life; I remember the fights, the tears, the embraces and reconciliations, the goodbyes and the reunions; all the little things we shared, the days and nights we spent together; the morning you asked me to marry you and the day you made me your wife; I remember every sweet word of your vows and all the compliments you've ever told me because you were my everything, the best thing that ever happened to me.

I owe all the happiness in my life to you. You've given me everything I could have hoped for and so much more. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been. Our love was an evidence and it will live with me, even if you're not there anymore. Tell me, are you waiting for me somewhere, hoping that I'll join you as I'm hoping you'll come back to me? I sometimes find myself thinking it's your plane I see in the distance, appearing among the clouds, coming home, until I realise it's only a bird. I hope you don't mind if I stay here a bit longer. I know I told you all I wanted was to be with you again, but I have a duty now, I know you'll understand. One day, we will be reunited for good.


"I knew I would find you here," my voice startled her.

She smiled at me, knowing her ritual was not a secret anymore.

"'The girl who stands there', that's how they call you in the village," I chuckled.

"It's either that or 'Andy's girl'. I'm sure they don't even know my name," she replied.

"You didn't really make sure they would remember it. You never go to town," I let her know I was aware of everything.

"How would you know? You're never there," she felt attacked.

"Cathy told me."

I was not trying to make her feel bad, I just wanted the best for her and was scared she would isolate herself.

"I feel like a stranger among them," she tried to explain. "Either that or they look at me as if I was some freak."

"They love you. You know they do. Don't say things like that."

𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙸 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 | 𝐃𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐊 [Collins]Where stories live. Discover now