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Y/n - your name
H/c - hair color
E/c - eye color
S/c - skin color
F/c - favorite color
I may or may not use all of these but just in case!!

Welcome to New York. The big Apple. The place people go to fulfill their dreams. Well let me tell ya one thing, I think the big Apple is rotten.

Sure, New York's fine as long as yous got a big strong door to lock it out. But when yous livin' on the streets, life ain't so glamorous.
My name's y/n, and me and my brotha are in the news paper business. We are probably the best newsies New York's ever had, don't tell the othas I said that. Me brothas name is Francis Sullivan. So that makes me y/n Sullivan. But that's not what we go by in these parts. We've gotta keep our identities hidden so we's don't end back up in the refuge.

So Francis, He goes by Jack Kelly. And me, I go by y/n Kelly. I didn't feel like changin' my first name. You're last name is all that matta's when yous hidin' your identity and such. Nobody knows about our real names. Theys just always known us as the Kelly duo.
The only problem is, I can't go by y/n all the time. Word gets out I'm a girl they'll toss me out like yesteaday's pape. So the newsies 'round here call me Slick.

Why slick you ask? Well it's because I'm slick. I've got quick hands and quick reflexes. I can steal from anybody, any day, any time I want and always get away. Only reason I ended up in the slammer was cause I tried to take the fall for jack and they threw me in as well for "good measure." Good measure my ass.

The 'Hattin newsies all know my secret. They gotta if I am to get any privacy at all in the lodging house. Can't have no one thinkin' some boy is getting special privileges with their own room and such. They all don't seem to mind. At first it was weird, most of em' would try to hit on me but jacky put a stop to that real quick. I may only be two years younger than him but he still treats me like I'm some baby.

Every once in a while I work for Medda in the theater, preformin' and such. It's what I love to do. Earns me a couple more than I'd make bein' just a newsie too. Medda would offer jack a job in a heartbeat but he says he ain't no good in show biz, I believe him.

Well, as luck would have it, that's where our story begins.

Sorry if this is bad, but it's just the beginning

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