i cant wait for this to reach 50 chapters

11 1 0

"The building, like his health, was dilapidated."

Extra ideas:
"Dilapidated" means "in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect."
This could give you a chance to make internal conflict or show more of your character's lore!
Where is the character? In the building or outside the building? Are they walking? Standing still? Sitting? Slumped over a piece of wall?
Are they visibly sick or injured?
Going with the definition, the character's injury or illness is caused by old age or neglect. This means the character is solitary, a lone wolf. Or maybe they do have friends, but they feel left out!
Or maybe the wound or illness is old, but it hasn't been treated for so long that it got way worse. A simple illness, when not treated, could be fatal!
What will the character do?
Accept his fate? Or fight it?
How did this happen?

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