And it starts

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"A woman's body was found in a New York dumpster three days ago." The tv was all the way downstairs, in the living room. However I could hear the news reporters voice clear as day.

"Reports are coming into the station, the woman was named Mary Ann Parker. She was just starting a new job as a dancer." His voice came again. This was old news though, I'd already heard this from my father, just a few hours before it happened.

Her name appeared on his list.

Mary Ann Parker 5:36pm, November 7th 2014. I was lost in thought as I heard the tv get turned off. That could only mean one of two things. One of my parents came home, or some ghost was bored and was just trying to get my attention. I'd grown used to it now. I was after all the reapers daughter. I don't really have any problems with that fact.

I just wish the color scheme was better, like blue, green, or pink. I tried to get dad change from his usually black clothing but he's so old fashioned.

Every time I'd ask him to wear something that not black, he'd say the same thing "Black is unchangeable, just like fate." I on the other hand, won't wear the black cape, robe thingy. I like style. I mean I have to wear the cape robe thing but I'm pretty sure I can change the color.

I won't become a reaper, till my 18th birthday. Which is a good and bad thing. Well I guess it could work. I could have my big birthday blow out on the weekend. Than I could have the reaper awakening on my actually birthday which falls on a Friday. But than again, the awakening starts on midnight and I still have to recharge.

Which could take 12 hours or a few weeks. I've had my basic training, I think I'm pretty good. I mean my telekinesis helps out a lot. I mean with cheerleading and all the social events I have to go to. Even though I know I'm not supposed to be using it outside of reaping.

Every Reaper is born with the power to Molecular Immobilization. Basically It the power to freeze time although, no one really uses that one with the 'whole humans can't see us, when were reaping.'

We can also appear or some call it teleporting. It helps us get to place to place.

Some supernatural creatures could see us, they didn't brother us much. Well unless we were collecting their souls or their loved ones souls. Other than that we were pretty much left alone. Reapers are untouchable mostly because we are death, when reapers become of age.

They go though the awakening, at midnight on their birthday. They died for about twelve hours. During at time they become a 'line' as in the middle of life and death. For those twelve hours the family of the 'line' will gather around him or her. Say a chant, I've been to a few awakening in my time. They are so boring, the adults are the ones with the most power for the awaking. So, they push the younger kids out of the room.

Once me and my cousins Matt and Kim, got a little bit noise. I used my telekinesis, Matt used he's invisibility, and Kim used her speed.

Let's just say.

Curiosity killed the cat.

By cat I mean us, we totally gut busted. We almost most could have messed up the awakening. By being there. Apparently, if you aren't of age the you make get taken to the other side. Or something like that I wasn't really listening.

I zone out when people older than me give lecturers. Which is kind of weird since my zoned out face doesn't seem to work at school. I'm like a sponge, I just absorb information. I like to play the part of the dumb cheerleader.

Not only does it help my acting skills, but I have a pretty good social standing. No one seems to like to hang out with someone who can make you look stupid.

I mean I'm not dumb, I just don't like to show my brain off. I mean I only have so much time left before I have to go into the family business.

Than puff bye bye social life.

The only people who know about my smarts are my parents and the school, like teachers and the principle.

About a year, during school testing I got the highest score. I was called into the principles a office become she thought I was cheating. Yes, I'm that good of an actress she actually called all of my teachers even the ones I've haven't had since 9th grade.

I basically had to prove, to all of them how smart I was. They didn't believe me at first. I spend my whole day in the office. I finally gave them, the my peers won't like me if I'm smart. I got a whole lot of disappointed looks that day. I still do actually, however I don't really mind.

It was a this huge thing. Half the school thought I got into some drugs, the other half though I was pimping myself out. Why do all cheerleaders have to be slutty, I've only done it with four guys. In my whole life. At the time I was I a relationship with each one of them. I've may at sometimes be a tease, and flirt a little. Ok, a lot.

But I have morals. As a Reaper I have to be.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my little brother pushing me off my bed. I didn't really understand what just happened, so I blinked a few times before staring into light green eyes. Devin had just turned 12 five months ago, his brown hair was covering his eyes.

"Mom says come downstairs." Devin said with a smile on his face. He must be proud of himself about pushing me while I was in a my zoned out space.

I snap up from my position, sitting up straight. When I slowly turn towards my little brother. I see his smile turn grim and that's when I ponce.

"Aaa ah MOM HELP!" He screams running out of my room, and downstairs. But it's to late I'm already to close. Well that's what I thought, when something comes to my right knocking me onto my side. It's Rain our oldest brother. I groaned looking up to see, rain and Devon standing up over me.

"This was planned wasn't it." I said looking over the both of them. My eyes going from Devin to Rain.

Devin the a freaking evil grin says "Yep" I've never want to punch anyone more than I do now. I know I can't not with Rain acting as his guard. "Freaking boy and their whole sticking together bullshit." I mutter under my breath.

Rain raise an eyebrow at me. "What was that." His all knowing grin.

"KIDS." All of our heads snap up to moms voice.

And we all head downstairs finally.


This chapter is just to give a heads up on what's the books about.

The Pink ReaperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon