Anonymous Call

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Shit hit the fan when I burnt my tongue because of that damn coffee while Venom laughed his fucking brains out and my boss entered my office. Venom slid inside my hoodie and onto my back, which made me flinch and made my boss glare at me with the "are you fucking mental?" look. I just smiled and nodded my head HOPING to G.O.D. that he would just shrug it off.


He said on a very, very confused tone. I already knew this guy was a 100% gonna say I was mentally ill.

"We... We need to talk"

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded so he could continue. I could almost hear the words already; "Eddie go to a damn hospital" I was surprised he said exactly the opposite.

"I'll be leaving for a few days, and I was hoping-" he cut off. I widened my eyes waiting for him to finish.

"-and I was hoping you could make one final report for me before I go."

I licked my lips and scratched my head, I really wanted to make one last report for him, but I already knew why not.

"Sorry man. I wish I could but... Personal reasons, y' know?" He looked at me with a disappointed look, then nodded his head.

"I understand" was all he said after a little while before he went out the door. I took this time to get Venom out of my hoodie and complain about how cold he was. Venom chuckled and disappeared inside my skin, sending cold tingles on my every limb. I placed my phone on my desk and opened up my laptop, ready to write twenty-five more emails to billions of people I knew shit about.

"Eddie, who are all these people?" Venom asked every time I emailed a new person, which made me swear every time to go and buy tater tots.

*Skip to 12:00 PM*

I fell half asleep when Venom woke me up saying "unknown phone number" I scratched the sleepiness off my eyes and looked at the number. Definitely not a phone number that I knew. I answered it.

"Hello?" A little silence before I heard a breath.

"Uh, yes. Is this Eddie Brock?" A male voice asked.

"Yes. What's up?" I hear paper ruffling on the background

"Meet us at 10:00 AM tomorrow over at the coffee shop next to the bank. We... Have some questions for you, Mr. Brock" I hear beeping on the background. The guy hung up. I try and piece together why in the world would they even want a meeting with me. Therapist? FBI? The government? No idea. Venom slowly pops over my shoulder and tilts his head.

"What was that about?"

I shrug. I barely know myself why the hell would they not tell me who they are and call me for a meeting, so I assumed they were scammers and decided to ignore it.

"What are scammers?"

I guess Venom must've heard my thoughts. I raise an eyebrow and let out a long sigh.

"They... Want you to fall for their ridiculous tricks" was all I said. I stretched and let out a long yawn. Venom's just staring at the laptop when he flinched back at a new notification. I laugh, and he slaps the shit outta me. I squint at the laptop, an unknown person had emailed me. The same shit. "Meet us at 10:00 AM over at the coffee shop next to the bank" I close the tablet not giving it much attention, these scammers sure wanted me to fall for this trick. Venom growls at the screen, I chuckle.

"We should eat those scammers" Venom suggests. I think about it, and give out a smirk.


*Skip to 3:00 PM*

I finally get to leave work. I pack my laptop along with a pen I found on the ground; why do people leave their stuff here anyways? I exit out the door, a few coworkers waving at me or teasing me. I wave back and finally head out, Venom pleading for food.

"Eddie, we need food. We've been in there since 8:00 AM"

I ignore Venom's complaints and start walking over to Ms. Chen's. Always good to have a strong friendship with a girl that owns a store, can give you food for a hungry symbiote --free!

"Hey, Ms. Chen" I greet as I come through the door. Venom's head pops up and greets Ms. Chen as well

"Hello, foo- I mean Ms. Chen"

"Parasite," Ms. Chen says. Venom growls to himself and starts looking at all kinds of directions for -you guessed it- tater tots.

"Eddie! There! Food!"

I grab the bag of tater tots and go to the counter -no need to, 'cause Ms. Chen just let me go. See? Always good. I walk to the corner when I feel cold fists crash against my face. I crash against the floor, everything a blur. Venom tries to cover me with his coat of protection but fails, since he, too, didn't see a thing. All I see are flashlights and masks before everything went blurry and into a pitch black screen.

A/N- Thanks for reading this ;0; I'll be updating as soon as I can. Classes end on June 6th, so I'll be updating more from there. But for now, please don't hate me if I don't update that much. ;-;

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