River Stroll at Work

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"Eddie, wake up!"

I feel a cold slap on my face. I spring up like a coil and look around for who had hit me.

"You over-slept again! Hurry! Or we'll be late!"

"Since when were you in such a hurry?"


A cold push sent shivers down my spine and into my bloodstream. I sprung up and shook my head. I slid into my uniform --Venom staring; for some odd reason.


Venom's gaze shifted from me to the ground, then back to my face --he wanted to say something-- but he looked back.

"W-w-we'll be late... Hurry, idiot"

I roll my eyes with a little hint of confusion as to why he was acting so weird today.

"There's a river near work if you wanna look at it"

Venom tilted his head

"What's a river?"

"A stream of water"

Venom stood quiet for a moment --I could tell he was trying to think it through.

"Okay. Hurry"

"Yeah, yeah"

I finish sliding into my shoes and putting on my leather jacket. Venom pops out of my shoulder and starts slamming all his weight upon me --I knew what he wanted.

"Venom, get off my shoulder or I will stay home"

"I'll drag you"

"I'll get rid of you"

"I'll eat you"

Defeated, I burst out the door and begin to walk --five blocks or so.


Venom whispers

"Why are you whispering?"

I ask

"Because I want to, bitch"


There is a little bit of silence

"How do rivers look like?"

I stop and think


"Haha, funny, shithead"

I roll my eyes and focus on what's around me --since Venom arrived, I've been more aware of things --paying more attention to people's facial expressions, clothes, stores around, etc. I spot the place where Maria used to sit and felt butterflies all over --the thought of her death was astonishing.



I stop and hold my tears for a moment.

"What did you do to Maria when you were inside of her?"


"Well... she wasn't an exact match for me, so, if we don't match with them, we just eat them."

I stop and think

"You ate Maria?!?!?"

"I didn't know she was your friend!"

Venom snapped. I sigh and continue walking --still holding back tears.


Venom's voice sliced through my anger.


After a few long and silent minutes, I reach the river close to work.

"This is it"

I can feel Venom trying to wiggle free from my body.

"Okay, you can go"


I didn't know rivers would look so amazing and have so many animals living on it. I edge closer to the water and stare at my reflection --something I couldn't do back at my planet because the water was so dull.



"Why is the water so clear?"

I hear a sigh

"Well, maybe because they haven't polluted it yet"

I look closer to see weird, oval-like creatures inside the water. I grab it as fast as I can and let it rest on my hand. For some odd reason, the creature starts jumping and wiggling as if it wanted to break free out of whatever I put it into.

"Ven, that's a fish! Put it back in the water!"

I free the "fish" out of my hands and let it swim back to wherever it came from. I follow the river, Eddie reminding me over and over not to get caught. This place felt cool and relaxed, something that I would like to get used to. Life is everywhere around this odd place. Weird creatures that jumped on trees were the most common.

"We're here Ven"

I breathe in one last breath as I disappear inside Eddie's cold skin.


"So. Did you like it?" I questioned. Long silence before I even heard a breath out of him.

"Yes. It was peaceful."

I sigh and head for the door, greeting my coworkers in the process while Venom complaining about too many people surrounding us. As I reach my office and grabbed a cup of coffee one of my friends bought for me every Monday, Venom slithered across my neck and decided to leave his cold ass just laying there.

"Venom! You're cold!"

I can almost feel the stares people are giving me through the door, thinking I was a crazy psychopath who only pretended to be human. I tried to push Venom off but clearly failed because when I even got an inch closer he pulled my hand away and began growling at me... parasites.


"What?" I groan as I sit on my awfully cold chair.

"Can we go to the river again? Sometime?"

I thought about it for a while

"Okay. We can."

"Disgusting human" he chuckled

"Ugly parasite" I tease

"Parasite?!" He shouts to the world

"Sorry, mom" I laugh

Authors Note-

Sorry I haven't been posting. School and laziness is part of the reason ;w; Thanks for 48 reads so far! I really like writing about this. Should I make some smut or no?

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