chapter four

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A/N So I'm back with the next chapter. Please comment and vote for this story. If you I'll be happy for the rest of my life. This chapter is dedicated to @Dreamsinourskies for being the first and only person to comment on the previous chapter. Thanks a bunch girl!!

Now to the chapter... something interesting is about to happen. *dramatic music* ;)

<<< Kahlanne's POV >>>

Tonight is the night of the party and to say I'm looking forward to it will be a big, fat lie. I have a feelers something is going to go wrong tonight but I can't miss this party. Bessie is going to be there and I have a whole lot of things to tell her and I really miss her a lot.

In case you are wondering who Bessie is. She is my female bestfriend and we've known each other since we were nine years old. She is five feet, six inches tall. Her straight black hair reaches past her shoulders and her stormy grey eyes light up when she smiles. She can be very dramatic and likes overreacting.

I love her to bits but sometimes I feel like putting her in a box and mailing her to Antarctica. The only problem is that I always change my mind at the last minute. I'm too kind that's why.

I have already told her about Jerome and to say she had a heart attack would have been the understatement of the millennium. No kidding. What disturbed me was that she wasn't freaked out because I was being made to get married against my will and it was unfair. Rather, she almost had a heart attack because of the naughty things Jerome and I will be doing during our honeymoon. Her words not mine. That girl's mind was corrupt and there was nothing anyone could do to purify it.

All in all, she seemed really calm about the whole Jerome situation apart from the honeymoon detail. She was really excited to meet Jerome tonight at the party. After she spent two hours describing her "escapades" to me on the phone, we said our goodbyes and hung up on each other.

I was still lying in my bed trying to figure out what I had to make my life turn out this way. Not that there was anything wrong with my life. It's just that I always thought that I would get married to the man I truly loved and not someone my parents wanted me to marry because of some stupid agreement they made many years ago.

I didn't think it was God punishing me either because I have always been a good girl except for the time when we were right and I pushed Maya into the swimming pool knowing very well that age couldn't swim (she deserved it though).

I was reminiscing about that glorious afternoon at Fred's birthday party where Maya was making fun of a certain girl's swim suit so I pushed her into the pool to shut her up. I was pretty hilarious.

I was still smiling at the thought when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I called out.

Jerome came into my room all dressed up in slim charcoal wash jeans, a white pleat front shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and brown suede and leather trainers.

He looked hot. No he looked gorgeous. No, no he looked... shut up Kahlanne!

I'm sure I looked stupid staring at him like that but he didn't say anything. It's either he didn't see me drooling or he just didn't want to point it out.

"Aren't you going to get dressed for the party?" He asked me.

"The party starts at seven so why should I get dressed this early."

"You do realise that it's six pm right?" He raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"It's six pm!" I sprang out of my bed "Why didn't you tell me?! " I yelled at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2012 ⏰

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