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Mira was feeling weird.

Her heart was beginning to open up again like it had when she was sixteen years old.

She didn't want to experience the trauma and the pain of falling in love. It only ruined her.

She had stopped going to work and talking to Colton. She refused to leave the house, staying cooped up in her room, the blanket over her head as she tried to make sense of things.

There was no way she was going to let someone in her heart or life.

Especially not Colton.

He knew too much, she realised. She had been gullible and let him in her life as a good friend, only for it to turn to crap.

Her phone buzzed from beside her head. She knew exactly who it was.


He would call every day for the past week, leaving voicemails and texting her.

Mira knew she was being cruel by not responding to him and letting him know she was okay.

But a part of her hoped that he would get mad at her for this and refuse to talk to her again. Hoping he would break that silent promise he made her a week ago about always being there for her.

It would make ignoring him and ripping him out from her life much easier.

All of a sudden, she heard her silent house echo with the noise of rapid knocking. Mira got up swiftly, ears and eyes alert.

She relaxed when Colton's voice came through. Shuffling towards the door to her room, she opened it so she could hear better.

There was no intention of opening the front door; she just wanted to know if he was mad or sad or...something.

She didn't know why. She shouldn't care.

Even though she hated it, she had to admit: she did care.

She cared about Colton.

And that's why she was so distraught.

Somehow, even though she tried to avoid it, she had started to like Colton.

The friendly, good-looking man whom she thought she would never have a chance with.

No man looked twice at her.

But he did and she didn't understand why.

Her heart ached as she thought of Mick and every other man who had tried to play her in her life. Her eyes shone with fresh tears gathering behind her eyelids.

"It's just a trap," she whispered to herself, fisting the fabric covering her chest and hurting heart.

"Mira, I know you're in there!" Colton yelled from the other side. He didn't sound angry at all; in fact, he sounded almost desperate.

"I—look, please just say something. Text me or even curse at me—do something so I know that you're doing okay, at least. I'm sorry if I offended you or anything, that wasn't my intention at all. I was hoping to find the right moment but it just happened."

Mira bit down on her bottom lip, shutting her eyes tightly.

"It's just a trap," she repeated, her voice trembling. "He doesn't mean it."

"Mira," she could hear his voice crack, but she forced herself to ignore it. It was all just an act. "Mira, please. Don't shut me off like this."

He sounded pained, but she willed herself to ignore him.

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