Chapter 3 : Member of the Phantom Troupe

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But ?

- I now understand how she defeated Franklin. Let's just get her in the troupe.

- Danchou !

The others shouted again.

- We can't trust her yet ! We do not even know what her Hatsu is !

- Isn't our Hatsu secret for everyone, even inside of the troupe ?

- Yes but...

He turned his head to face me :

- And you, do you agree ?

- Me ? But what the hell should I agree for ?! Explain me !

- As you want...

I was then told that those guys were looking for newcomers since the death of Uvoguine and Pakunoda. So they used Korutopi's nen power to find another one,a copy diffusing a very weak aura.

- But still, why do you want me to join your weird cult ?

- Because you're strong... Well no. Because you have got potential. You defeated Franklin all by yourself, that's a little bit of an exploit. Why don't you have killed him ?

- What would I have gained by killing him ? Not much I guess...

At this moment, the dude with a cross on the forehead smiled.

- I like you. My name is Chrollo Lucilfer. But here, people call me "Danchou". What's yours ?

Somehow, my name was very similar to his.

- Mine is Lucile Chollro.

Right after I finished my sentence, a whispering mess has took place. Staring into Danchou's face, I might have detected a joyful expression. As if he just found something he has been looking for a while.

- Good. Lucile, now all the condition's are filled, what about finally join us ?

- Normally, I'd have to decline. But considering that you just destroyed my apartment, I don't have any other place to live anymore, so I guess I have to change my mind.

- That's a good answer ! The other one would have led you to death.

I stayed still for a short moment. I didn't really feared death, as I don't really have anything to lose dying. But the way he said it still made me anxious. Danchou kept talking, with a kinda scary smile :

- And as you surely know, any member of the troupe must have a tattoo with his number on it. I suggest you take Franklin's number, since he lost against you.

- But then Franklin...

- He'll take over Paku's number : the ninth. Let's congratulate now our new seventh number : Lucile Colro. Welcome to the Phantom Troupe. We'll introduce the pther of ourselves later. Go with Feitan, he will tattoo you.

Him again ? Let's just say we will have to deal with each other more often than I thought

A New Spider (Feitan x OC, hunter x hunter)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora