May 18th, 2018

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Jimin was both excited and nervous the entire the day as the thought of hanging out with a stranger lingered in his mind. He doesn't even know why he agreed. He didn't know Mark at all so as far as he knows, Mark could be some serial killer... 'Maybe if he kills me, Jungkook will care more and-' Jimin pinches himself for allowing such a harmful thought to cross his mind.

"Come on, Park Jimin. It's too late to change your mind. It's already time to meet up with him." Jimin mumbles to himself as he makes his way to the school entrance. He and Mark agreed to meet at the front of the school so that Jimin could follow him in his car. They agreed to this because Jimin wasn't comfortable getting into a stranger's car and Mark completely understood.

Jimin immediately spots the blonde-haired boy standing near the school's gates so he calls out to him. Mark turns and smiles at Jimin once he realizes that's who had called his name.

"Ready to have some fun?" Mark asks once the black-haired boy is standing next to him. Jimin nods and gives the blonde a smile which is returned.

He follows Mark into the student parking lot, not really paying attention to his surroundings. He's so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't hear his name being called. It's only when Mark stops and points it out does he turn around and see Jungkook running towards him.

"Do you know him? Because he obviously knows you." Mark asks, eyeing Jungkook. Jimin's quick to glare at Jungkook before shaking his head no, causing the running boy to stop and stare back at him, confused.

"Gonna go talk to him?" The blonde asks, taking note of the shorter boy's heated expression.

"I'll talk to him later. Let's go, hyung." Jimin says the first part loudly to make sure Jungkook hears him before walking to his parking spot.

"I'll be damned... We parked right next to each other." Mark laughs a little and Jimin finds himself laughing as well.

"I'll pull out first." Mark announces before getting into his car. Jimin gets into his own afterwards, starting it up before waiting on Mark.


To say Jimin had fun with Mark would be a little understated. He had a blast playing video games with the older boy all day. He was having so much fun he didn't notice that it had gotten really late until Mark pointed it out after their 10th Overwatch match.

"Hey, Jimin. It's a little after 12. Heading home?"

"Is it?" Jimin echoes in disbelief, picking up his phone to confirm the time. He groans when he sees that Mark is right because, not that, he'd admit it out loud, he hated driving at night. It made him paranoid.

"I'll walk you out." Mark says, standing up from the couch. Jimin nods and follows Mark to the front door. He puts his shoes on and allows the blonde to walk him to his car.

"Night, Jimin."

"Good night, hyung."

Jimin gets into his car while Mark walks back into his house. He attempts to crank his car up but it won't start. He tries it 3 more times before sighing. His car is a used one but it's never given him issues... until now.

He can't call Jin so his other option is...

"Time to see if Jungkook's up." Jimin mumbles, getting out of the car and leaning against it.


Outgoing call to Jungkookie

"Ha... What, h-hyung?"


"Tae, can you hold on- ! Sorry, hyung!"

*call ended*


Jimin stares down at his phone in confusion before his mind catches up to what the hell just happened.

"Did he just- Was he-?" Jimin mutters in disbelief. The dark-haired boy glares at his phone for a moment before heading back up to Mark's front door.

Worst case scenario is Mark's asleep so why not try and get a ride from him.

"Jimin? What are you still doing here?" Mark asks, surprised that the shorter boy is still there.

"My car's not starting and I don't have someone that can come get me so I was wondering if you could give me a ride." The boy asked, shuffling from one foot to the other. Mark frowns, raising an eyebrow.

"Why not just stay here? It's already after 12 in the morning." Mark reasons, shoving his hands in his jean pockets.

Jimin mulls it over before nodding reluctantly. He's been here this long, what's the worst that could happen now?

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