Episode 4* Worst Sentence Ever

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I stayed late, worked for awhile. Just before I was about to leave I saw that lockers room's lights were on. I walked there and saw Bastian, lying.

''Are you OK?'' I asked. He looked at me and asked ''Who are you?''

''I'm a lawyer, working for Bayern. My name is Asteria Hollingberry, nice to meet you.'' 

''Bastian Schweinsteiger, I also work for Bayern.'' He said. I laughed like an idiot. 

He got up and said ''Whoa, you're tall.''

''Yeah, that's a very common reaction.'' I said.

''Where are you from?''


''Nice, I was about to go home, do you have a car?''

''No, no, I can go home by myself, I have a car, thanks.''

''I was gonna ask if you could give me a ride home. My girlfriend took my car.'' I was shocked and terrified. 

''OK, come on then.'' I said and we walked to the parking lot. 

When we got into the car, I was super nervous. What if I burp, fart or do anything humiliating?

I started the car, for a moment I couldn't remember how to drive the car. Bastian Schweinsteiger was sitting next to me for fuck's sake! I finally remembered how to drive.

He was very silent, thoughtful. 

''What's wrong?'' I asked. 

''It's just... my girlfriend. There is this website called waggabees.com and someone posted Sarah's pictures with one of my old friends.''

''Oh.'' I didn't wanna ask more.

''I love her but... I'm not sure if she loves me back like she used to do.''

''I understand.'' 

''I should shut up now, don't wanna bother you with this shit.''

''No problem.'' He set the navigation for me to find his house. He's living in a penthouse in the city. He asked if I'd like to come upstairs. I was worried that Sarah was gonna be there but he said she won't come over for awhile. He got something strong to drink. I only drank some beer. He wasn't wasted but he was drunk-ish. In my head he was kissing me, we were doing it. Wish my fantasies were true. 

He was talking about how bitchy Sarah can be, and at one moment he just asked it.

''If we had sex tonight... would you say anything about it to anyone?''


''Good. Would you like to?''

''I don't know...I...''

''Give me a certain answer. I must be sure that it's not rape.''

''Yes.'' I said and his lips closed against mine. At first we were on the couch but then we fall down. 

He didn't care. We did it on the floor. It was dreamy... I couldn't shut the voices in my head, screaming that I just had sex with Bastian Schweinsteiger. This was my biggest dream but somehow it didn't make me as happy as I thought it would. Something was missing. He was amazing, I didn't suck that bad but something else...

I got up from the floor, got dressed, held Bastian by his arm, woke him and took him to the bedroom. I got very distracted when he hugged me, kissed me and stuff. But I laid him, cleaned the mess we've created and left the apartment. I checked the e-mails and comments on Waggabees.com so many stories from so many users... But there was only 2 expose's by the admin aka Flower of Carnage aka Asteria 'bitch' Hollingberry.

When I woke up and saw the newspaper on my dad's hands I was gonna die. Waggabees.com was a headline! On a newspaper! I left after father to take a glance. When I got to the office everyone were talking about Waggabees.com

I felt like they knew who started it but that feeling was just paranoia. Must be careful from now on or I might lose my job, my friends and my father's trust. 

Bu the way I was thinking about what happened las night between me and Bastian... I had sex with Basti fucking Schweinsteiger! If I wasn't ashamed I would sing 'I just had sex' from Lonely Island. That's how happy I was. 

I didn't see Bastian for almost a month. Their matches started, they were busy. And to be honest I didn't want to see him. What am I even supposed to say? Thank you for having sex with me?

Nah- that would be the worst sentence ever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2012 ⏰

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