The Soba Shop

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(Reader's point of view)

I was sitting on my couch, reading a love story. It was called Icy Roses. On the last chapter, out of nowhere, my stomach started growling. "Stop", I thought to my stomach. I needed to finish this amazing book. It replied back with another angry growl. "No" it had said. So, I decided to go on a quest for food, for the sake of my stomach." Mom, I'll be back in a bit!" I shouted. She was upstairs. "Ok, honey! Just don't forget about the dog!", she shouted back. I chuckled. There was no dog. My mom just likes to make me laugh, (Well it is her quirk). I changed into a pink bunny hood, stuffing some cash in my pocket. Down the street, there was a Soba Shop I've always wanted to try. Mom said it was overrated, but I went anyway. 

                                     (Inside the Soba Shop)

OMG this place is crowded. When I mean crowded, I mean 5 hour waits for 1 person. I was about to step out of this place, when a waiter called me. "Miss! Are you the party for 2?" I said, "No I'm just-"But I got interrupted. " Right this way please". I followed the waitress, but before I could state the mistake, my stomach said," GIVE ME FOOD" , so I followed her to a table . I sat down, a dude with a white hoodie in front of me. I waited for him to say something, like, Excuse me, but this isn't reserved for you, or please move. But he was silent. It was kinda awkward, so I spoke. "Guess they confused me with a different person, huh?". Still silent. He was just looking down at his lap. I wanted him to talk, so I introduced myself. " My name is (f/n) (l/n)!". He finally looked up. I could see his cool red and white hair... and he looked familiar. "(l/n)? Daughter of the Pro Hero, Mrs. Joke?", he asked. Man, my mom is popular... but, she is a pro hero after all. "Yes, that's right". I responded." I'm Shoto Todoroki" He said. Suddenly, a memory popped in my mind.  There was a boy, standing at his porch, a bandage on his eye. I was playing with the other children, when I noticed him. He looked sad .I smiled and waved, my mom behind me, doing the same. He looked up and waved back. My mom used her quirk to make him smile. But then his dad, Endeavor , came out and took him inside. I could still hear his words echo. "These people will ruin your grand future. Stay away from them". "Your dad doesn't really like us, huh?" I asked him, looking down. He simply nodded his head. Then, I watched words slowly escape from his mouth."But... just by looking at you... I like you already.." He said with a smile. I was triggered for a moment. Was he talking to someone else? I looked around, but Todoroki's beautiful multi colored eyes were gazing at me. Before I could take it back, words escaped from my mouth. " you ,too..." . Todoroki smiled. "Let's become friends, then". I don't know if it was an order, or a request, so I just said, "Ok!"

                                                                       (After Dinner)

Then, waitress walked over. "Shall I give you the check?" She asked. Todoroki nodded. She brought the check over, but before I could pay, he grabbed my wrist. "I'll pay" he said quickly. I backed my hand away. "Thanks Todoroki-kun!" "Your welcome (l/n)- san" he replied. We walked out of the still-crowded restaurant, but,as soon as we walked out , it started raining. Talk about bad luck. "Shoot, I didn't bring my umbrella!" I said, hoping Todoroki had an extra. "We can share mine. I live right next to you  anyway." He offered. Wait, he did? I never knew... but now that I think of it, there is a man always shouting in there... "Ok, thanks!..But, uh,I never knew you lived right there!" I stated. " Yeah, I've lived there all my life." He said, casually. My face got red, flushed with embarrassment. How could I have never realized that he lived right there? We started to walk together, Todoroki holding the umbrella. I slowly leaned my head on his shoulder , but Todoroki didn't look like he minded. Heh, this is the stuff that happens in romance novels. I thought. His shirt was so cozy and soft... And his face, glistening in the moonlight... He caught me staring, and I started to blush. Why am I blushing?! He's just a friend, get it together (f/n)!  I could see him smiling."We're here" He said. I looked up. Yep, it was my house, alright. I walked towards my door. "Thanks for dinner by the way" I said. "Don't mention it" He replied.

 And just like that... we became friends.

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