The Secret Warrior

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Before there was peace between the kingdom's of Remnant, a long time ago a great war had fallen upon the world. The use of Aura and Dust had made this conflict into a much bigger problem. However, deep within that great war, a band of warriors had gathered together to aid the right against the wrong.

The ability to fight hand to hand at the time it became vital to know how to defend yourself especially during a war, but these warriors had proven to be much capable then many would've imagined. Without any use of weaponry the warriors showed their allies how powerful and skilled they are with martial arts, including a secret method of enchanting one's own abilities, Ki. This Ki was seen very similarly to Aura, as both are unlockable sources of hidden power in humans. However, the differences are of course there for both sources of strengthening, like Aura can be unlocked by chanting a saying or through other special means, which releases one's Aura, while Ki must be unlocked with intense training that will give them the ability to control and unleash their Ki. Aura has been known to have a strong connection with one's soul, Ki on the other hand was more connected to one's life force, which not only weakens or kills someone if used improperly, but could also be used to create techniques that specify greatly to martial arts.

Those techniques were used by the warriors during battle. Soon the war had started to come to a close, and a newly found peace between the kingdom's had come. Sadly, that same peace has been threatened by a reoccurring threat that has been around humankind for as long as anyone can remember, Grimm.

The warriors who had fought in the war could have been a great help against the creatures of darkness, however they all disappeared within the kingdom's once the war had ended. Each of them living amongst the people within a kingdom or living secretly.

One particular warrior had been living secretly, but kept himself company with his newly adopted daughter. The warriors child soon was taught the ways of martial arts and how to use her Ki. She also learned some signature techniques from her father, while also being taught how to create her own. Of course, the warrior did not just teach her Ki, but also made sure she was knowledgeable in Aura, Semblances, and the special weaponry that a Huntsman or Huntress would need to use.

Even with all of the hard training she endured, the warrior made sure his daughter would be given the love and comfort that any child needs.

Years later, the child had grown into a young adult who continues to live secretly in the forest, however she was now living alone without the father she loved so dearly who sadly passed away. Now she lives her life all alone with no one else for her to love or care for.

Until now.....

Lucy P.O.V

A beautiful morning meant a clear blue sky, birds chirping, and a great time to warm up before I got into any serious training.

Right now, I was jogging in a long trail that led back to my home. Usually I'd first make sure to check and see that I have enough food stored up for the week, but I decided to just get right into training since I felt pretty energetic today. I looked around and saw some nearby clean lakes, which were perfect to catch some really good sized fish, while a few trees were around to not only give me some pretty decent shade, but also had some fruit growing.

These sights were always nice to see, especially near my training ground, as I smiled and said to myself, "What a nice day it is today, and I thought I'd still be sleeping by now."

If it wasn't for my dad and his training methods I never would've thought I'd be into training in the first place. I remember when I was just all alone, no one by my side, helping me learn how to be a good person, while not even having any loving care.

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