1| Amelia

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| Amelia |

The sounds of barely disgusted growls and grunts traveled to my ears has I stepped into the courtyard. A massive fight between maybe around fifteen boys were clustered in the courtyard's center. You'd think that since most of us have been in high school for a little over three years we'd all be mature. But, sadly not all of us are. This was the third fight this month and it was starting to get annoying. My friend, Keenan , and I were always the ones who stopped the fights. They were usually over something stupid like a girl they both wanted. Have they never heard of calling 'dibs'? Most of the time they listened to Keenan and not me, idiots.

I raised my eyebrow and nodded my head in the direction of the fighting idiots in front of me," You going to do anything?"

Keenan sighed in defeat," Not like I have a choice , right?"

I laughed. Keenan was always the one to do what was considered 'the right thing' in situations like this. He was always the one keeping me in check and out of trouble. Or at least that's what my parents believed. In a way Keenan was my own personal Protector. He kept me safe and out of harms way, but I didn't make his job easy for him.

I dropped my bag beside me, "Okay, I'm ready! Let's do this!"

Just has I was about to take a step forward Keenan grabbed my arm like the ass he is. I understand that he's looking out for me, but sometimes I wish he didn't. Times like this for example; not only would I be doing a good deed , but I'd also be getting all my anger toward Mrs. Stick-Up-My-Ass in a constructive way. Seriously, who gives someone detention for sharpening their pencil. 'It's for you safety', he would always tell me. Safety? Where's the fun in that? Besides, I was always being safe just not in his eyes. But, that didn't matter because I always win in the end.

"You should sit this one out. "

"Fuck, no! Why would I do that!?"

"This is the biggest fight since the beginning of the year. I'd feel a lot better if you'd sit this one out."

"No... How about I go get help and join in later?"

He sighed ," If you get hurt I'm telling your father you slipped while curling your hair or something like that. "

"Because that's believable. "

"Just go. "

"Right. "

It wasn't hard to spot the group of Protectors in the crowded lunchroom. They had a different way about them than the regular civilian were's did. Not only were they stronger , bigger, and more powerful , but they looked different too. Their features were more prominent. It was like if you tried to compare a regular were to a human they just didn't come close and when you looked at them you could tell that they were different.

"I need a favor. ", I demanded has I turned the two closest to me.

They all stopped mid chew and stared at me. Usually, I didn't feel awkward in situations like this, but this was definitely awkward. Now I know why there was so much hype about them going around the school. They were extremely attractive, if there was a word that described someone who was more than just handsome that's what they would be. It was strange though ,like they were too perfect. I guess this is how humans felt when they saw us. If they saw one of The Protectors they'd probably think they were one of their Greek gods.

I've seen plenty of Protectors before, but they were all middle aged old men. But, that didn't mean that they were any less attractive. In fact they were probably even more attractive in comparison. They had that older mature handsome thing going on. You know the whole ' I'm older and wiser. I know what I'm doing. ' thing. Let's just say that some of The Protectors I've seen are old enough to be my father and I still fantasize about them. But, I guess they'd do too, they were closer to my age anyway.

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