Chapter 6

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As the weeks went on Francis and Mary fell more in love with James. In their eyes he was perfect, and with every day he learnt something new. He was now 5 months old and could smile sweetly at his parents, much to their delight. James adored Catherine and loved nothing more than to go down to the stables and see the horses. Francis and Mary would take him down to the stables as much as they could, which was sometimes hard to do because of countless meeting with nobels  and the privy council. But court was quiet at the moment so the family of three could spend longer together, which made Francis and Mary happier than ever.

"Look James, that's Papa's horse!" Mary bounced him on her hip and talked in her baby voice. Francis smiled at her, she was a naturally good mother and seeing her so happy made his life conplete. She was so good with James and so natural in a way that Francis wasn't, he was a good father and James adored him, but all children seamed to love Mary.

"When you are big and strong you can have your own horse James." Francis took him from Mary and kissed his golden curls. James looked exactly like Francis, with blonde curls and blue eyes, but Francis always said he had Mary's smile.

"I don't want him riding until he's much much older" Mary frowned

"Why? We started riding at 6" Francis replied, thinking back to the days when him and Mary would ride around for hours.

"I don't want him to injure himself, or get thrown off the horse!" Mary cried.

"You worry too much, he'll be fine! Anyway that's not for a few more years." Francis smiled kissing her.

Mary sighed. She was so blissfully happy, and although they had spent every day together since James was born, she had missed Francis. Having a newborn was hard work, and being King and Queen as well was even more hard work. But as James was getting older it was getting easier, they had more time to do things like this. As Mary went to deepen the kiss, a guard came into the stables and coughed politely. Francis and Mary broke apart.

"I'm sorry your grace but your brother and Lady Kenna request your presence in the gardens." He spoke quickly, bowed and then walked away.

"That's strange." Mary said beginning to walk. "I wonder what they want?" Mary balanced James on her hip again, and talked to him, pointing out all the flowers and trees to him as they walked towards the gardens.

As Francis and Mary arrived at the gardens, Bash came over to greet them.

"Sorry to disturb you." He said whilst fussing over James. 

"It's alright." Francis replied "what's up?" 

Jenna walked over and Bash put his arm around her. 

"We just wanted to tell you..." Bash looked at Kenna and smiled.

"James is going to have a new playmate." Kenna blurted and was immediately pulled into a hug by Mary. James fussed because he was being slightly squished by the hug, Mary pulled away and kissed his head sympatheticly. Francis hugged his brother and then Kenna.

"Congratulations you two!" Francis beamed, he knew that Kenna and Bash had been waiting for this. 

"I'm so excited!" Mary squealed. "James will love a playmate, there aren't many babies at French court." Kenna and Mary walked up the bank together towards the castle.

"I'm assuming you haven't told Francis yet." She whispered.

"No, I'm waiting until this Friday, it's our anniversary." She smiled. 

"Well hurry up I wanna talk about it!" Kenna joked. Mary laughed and the two couldn't stop laughing until they reached the castle.

Francis and Bash walked behind and were confused about what Kenna and Mary found so funny.

"They're crazy." Bash sighed. 

"Yep." Francis agreed.

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