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Helllooooo readers!! Yun lang. 😉😙

I'll post covers on every chapter until it runs out. Yun lang talaga pramis.

Go go go!!


"MA! COME ON NOW LETS EAT!!", I shouted at the window of our house. Oh yeah right, I'm Inocencio Arcadia, Ino for short. And yes, my father is the famed business tycoon Ricardo Arcadia III. I do not use my last name so much so my last name is now Inocencio Vallenza (Val-yen-za), so you know, maybe you are still confused by the pronunciatiation of my last name. My father left us when I was 3 years old and it was as because his wife had threatened him that if she did not leave her mother, she would not go back home. There we found out who he loved most.

Okay, I think that's a family background, I'm already hungry. My mother came home very tired, just finishing her laundry. Hayss. "Sit down, I'll just get the rice.", I said.

"It's okay, I'm going to get it, it's okay, first bathe and get dressed 'coz you have a job.", Says mama

"Why, what time is it?", I asked. I looked at my watch and was surprised. "Oi shit!", That's just what I said. Fuck. 8:30 am, my time-in is at 9:00 am. I quickly took my towel and went into the bathroom. After 10 minutes I finished bathing. A quick wet, soaping, then rinsing, that's it. I was quick to get dressed. "Ma, I gotta go now.", I said my goodbye to mama. "Oh, will you not eat? It's just that you've prepared it yourself.", she said. Much to her surprise. "Its okay ma. Its yours, all of it. Gotta go now I'm late. BYE!!.", I said. I kissed her on the cheek and dropped off.

"Be careful!", She shouted. I was so far away. I thumbs up her.

I took a taxi to my job. My dad asked me to be there in the company he worked. Assistant Secretary, I'm the secretary when the secretary is going to vacation. When she's here, I'm in my position title, I'll give an assist at what she's doing. I'm right hand of the right hand of my father's right hand. I arrived exactly 9:00 and had time in. Missed being scolded by Madame Esmeralda Santos. You must have a Madame in your greeting to her but you can call her Esmeralda or Santos.

From 9:00 am to 11:00 pm my work is sometimes up until early morning, like 12 a.m. early. Sometimes there is no break. But it is okay, it is for my mom. My father's only support is my study and my employment. Mostly stopped your support 4 years ago when I was eighteen.

When I entered the lobby I was greeted by the company guard. You will not contemplate that he's a guard because of the suit. It seems like a funeral every day in the company. "Good Morning Mr. Vallenza, your almost late.", Mhean says, the desk officer. "Yeah, but never late, always on time. So, what's my memo?", I said. "Hmm, you are actually called by Mr. Arcadia to his office as soon as you arrive and also Madame Santos is calling too.", she says. Hmm. Okay, alright. So, why did my father called me? What shitness is this? If this is about the company I'm walkin' out.

I do not want to be too luxurious in life, well not that much luxurious. Still has luxury, but not so much. I also do not know anything of such profession. Even if he paid my education, I chose a different course. I choose to be a doctor, too far away from what he wants to do, business. I've got to the elevator and hit the number 35. Very high right? (If you think differently you need to surrender to the police. And stop using illegal drugs. it destroys you.)  When I arrived there, I saw Dad talking to someone, I just did not know who or about what it was.

I smiled to to who my father was talking to when they got out, investors in the company. I wonder what they've talked about. I came in immediately afterwards. "Good Morning Mr. Arcadia. Called upon me sir?", I told him. "Come on now hijo, do not call me sir, I'm your father you know." he said. Oh for the love of god, here we go again. This man can really get to you're nerves sometimes. "We are on our jobs sir. You know we must remain professionals.", I retorted. "I do not want any issues in here and surely you do not want to be issued too.", I said. "Okay suit your self son Well I actually called you here because of one thing. I'm too old to run the company so, I'm retiring and I want you to be the one who'll replace me.",  he said seriously.

Wait.The.F ----. Down. Me? Will be my father's company's CEO that never even BEEN a father to me? Yep, I'm right alright. This man is nuts. "Why me? There are so many others who are more deserving, why not Mam Santos or Hari? They're much more deserving than me.", I said. I'm a bit worried about it right now. It the many, many people here in the company why me? It can be Hari. My half-brother is Hari. Tita Teresa's son which is father's main wife. He told me that they were dating and they were friends now but for me, yeah right, friends my ass.

Arhhhhg, it will be another issue here. "You know what ?, I'm out of here. You know that I do not like this.", I said threatening to walk out like some senator in the Philippines. "I signed your name on the inheritance." Whether you like it or not you would run this company.", he said.

Oh God. Why did I ever get into this mess. "Fine, but do not let your family blame me why the company is down.", I said. I concede to my defeat. But, I doubt that it will fall though. "But I will not do it for you. I'll do it for my mom.", I sighed defeated. "I'll take that one hijo. That's all I want to say Go now.", He dismissed me. I went to Madame Esmeralda. While walking my cellphone was running.

I look at my phone. It's aunt Gi. Did something happened? I do not think so. I answered that before I think of bad thoughts. "Yes hello? Who is this?", I asked. Several seconds no one answered. "Hello, you there? Why haven't you answering? Have my mother been alright?", I asked. Aunt Gi ONLY calls me if something happened in the house. My ears went ringing and my eyes went wide on the words that came out of aunt Gi.

"Ino, your mother, she was rushed to the hospital because of an heart attack"

Ah Shit.


Phew!! Ayan na siyaaaaa. Inatake yung mader niyaaaa!

Anyways, medyo matatagalan yung updates. Pero pramis maguupdate po ako. And also, yey!! Dalawa na yung chapters!! Stay tuned for the next kabayan!! Byeish!!!!

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