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Summary: After recruiting the mutants Lorna Dane/Polaris and Andy Strucker for the "Inner Circle" of the Hellfire Club, Reeva Payge stages a coup and takes control of the organization. Six months later in Washington D.C., the new Inner Circle buys a large munitions factory to clear out so Polaris has a place to safely give birth. The Mutant Underground works to save endangered mutants from the government agency Sentinel Services. Marcos Diaz / Eclipse, the father of Polaris's child, and Andy's mother Caitlin try to gain information on the Inner Circle from the mutant hacker Wire; but only learn of their vast resources and power. Caitlin's husband Reed and daughter Lauren are ready to stop looking for Andy, and Reed is also concerned by his latent mutant abilities manifesting. When Polaris goes into labor, her powers cause electrical disturbances across the city and the Underground unsuccessfully tries to follow them back to her. The Frosts give Polaris a vision of the future she wants for her child, allowing her to give birth to baby Dawn.


Meet Reeva Payge. Reeva is a member of the Hellfire Club. The club meets to discuss the events in Atlanta. Apparently, Reeva sent the Frost triplets to infiltrate the Mutant Underground. Reeva defends her actions by reminding the Club that they all want the same thing. Peace, Freedom and Safety. In order to get all of these things, they will need a place of their own. They have mutants who are strong enough to make their dream a reality.

William, a Club member says the Mutant Homeland project has been discontinued. He is concerned about the mutants that Reeva brought in. Reeva reminds him that one of them is a Von Strucker, the creators of the Hellfire Club. William say she acted without authorization from the Club. Reeva appears to accept that she messed up. She says it’s better to ask for forgiveness. Reeva takes a deep breath and opens her mouth. Her voice incapacitates the entire table. The Frosts begin shooting the club members, leaving William for last. Reeva approaches him and asks for forgiveness before a Frostie shoots him.

Polaris look out the window at the D.C. skyline, thinking of Marcos. Andy approaches her, saying they are ready to go. Polaris says he doesn’t have to go with her. She looks sad, so Andy asks what’s wrong. She says she always dreamt that when she gave birth, she would be with family. Andy says they are her family now. Reeva and the triplets retrieve them both and they leave.

Sentinel Services is still at it, this time raiding an apartment complex in Washington D.C. Reed Strucker hears about the raid on the police scanner and calls John Proudstar/Thunderbird to head to the complex. John grabs Marcos and they head out. Clarice Fong/Blink and Lauren Strucker also head that way. Clarice opens a portal so everyone can get out. Lauren uses her power to hold the door until all of the people get through the portal.

The survivors are taken to a mutant friendly clinic where Caitlin patches them up. After the clinic clears out, Caitlin enters a closet that leads to a secret door. Reed is in the secret room, making new IDs for the people that they rescued. Caitlin says she asked about the mutants at the complex, hoping to hear something about Andy. They have been searching for him since Atlanta. John tracked Andy and Polaris to Washington D.C. And then they lost the trail.

Andy is currently with Polaris. Reeva and the Frost sisters take them to a munitions warehouse. They will convert the warehouse for Polaris to give birth. Polaris has a cramp that causes the cars to move. She says it was just the baby kicking.

The Mutant Underground, or what’s left of them, meet to discuss the raid. Reed has made new IDs for everyone and arranged transport out of the city. Lauren tells the group about the young girl who needs help finding her sister. They think they can track her down. Marcos says he talked to a hacker named Wire, but they are dangerous men. John doesn’t like it and wants to wait to use them.

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