Part Thirteen

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The throne-room-like area where the stairs led them was shallow and plain. Grey, torn tapestries hung from the walls, and a matching rug lay on the cold, hard floor. At the back of the room was an altar with two gongs hanging from separate arches, one gong with the sign of Light, and one with the sign of Dark. Near the Light gong sat a tall, stone griffin statue, and near the Dark gong sat a bat-like creature, both statues in which had giant looming wings. The air was frigid and dry, and it stung Sabine's nose as she breathed. The star-lit, stained-glass windows above the altar were the only light in the room.

"The Father's chambers..." Ahsoka mumbled to herself under her breath.

"I thought I told you not to come for me," a familiar voice drawled, echoing off the walls and rattling Sabine's brain.

But one thing clicked in her brain besides the ringing in her ears.

"EZRA!" she yelled into the grey walls. "EZRA, COME ON! I'M HERE TO TAKE YOU HOME!"

"I am home," Ezra said. Where was he?

Sabine's heart pounded practically out of her chest. "EZRA, PLEASE! YOU SAID YOU WERE COUNTING ON ME! I'M HERE NOW!"

Ezra said nothing.

"Ezra?" Ahsoka gasped.


Red light filled the room, illuminating the gongs and statues. Sabine whipped toward the light, activating Ezra's green lightsaber at the same time Ahsoka did her white ones.

And there stood Ezra.

He was much older now, possibly in his mid-to-late-twenties. He had a small beard and longer hair, much like when she'd first met him when he was fourteen on Lothal, trying to steal Imperial weapons. His features were darker than she remembered. His veins were an unhealthy black and his eyes a poisonous red, sharp and glowing like deep pools of blood.

He was different now.

But Sabine didn't care.

She tried to run to him, but Ahsoka stopped her. "That's not Ezra," she said calmly. "He's infected."

"Infected?" Sabine exclaimed in anger. "By what?"

"Some animal. I got bit by it, too, when I was here. It consumes your mind, overtakes your conscious self, and makes you believe all the lies you've ever processed."

Ezra laughed darkly. "Oh, I wasn't infected by the creature. Although he was loyal, I killed him years ago. He was of no more use to me."

Ahsoka's brows creased and her grip on her hilts tightened. "You're the Son."

The Son, in the body of Ezra, laughed again, his eyes flashing a dark red.

Confused and shocked, Sabine whispered to Ahsoka, who still held a protective arm in front of her, "Who is that if he's not Ezra?"

"You haven't told her?" the Son asked Ahsoka before she could answer. He laughed. "How is she supposed to survive this place if she doesn't know its creators?"

Ahsoka sighed. "He is the aura of the Dark Side of the Force."

Suddenly, it made sense why Ezra was acting strangely. The Son grunted as he urged her to say more. Was there really more?

"I..." she stopped like she wasn't sure if it was time. Ahsoka looked to the Son. "She's not ready yet."

The Son darkened. "Shouldn't your friend know why you're alive today? Whose breath you live on?" Ahsoka said nothing. The Son's lips stretched into a wicked grin. "She's my sister!" he shouted as if the entire galaxy should know. "She's the Spirit of Light and Goodness! And, in order to maintain balance in the universe, she must stay here with her brother!" He paused. "Did they tell you, Padawan Tano? Did they tell you that you have to stay?"

Sabine gaped at Ahsoka, hoping she would meet her sad eyes, but Ahsoka was too busy staring deeply, angrily, hatefully, into the Son's, her brother's, red, glowing eyes.

"It's true," Ahsoka finally said, still not breaking her stare with the Son. "I have to stay. But I'm not your sister." She paused. The Son was at first confused, but then he seemed to understand. Ahsoka smiled when his face melted from an expression of victory to an expression of shock and disbelief. "You were right in a way, Son. I am the balance of the galaxy. But my job is to keep the balance of Light and Dark, not be a part of it."

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