Part Eight

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There was so much about Barriss Offee that Ahsoka still refused to accept, but now that she was seeing her old friend again, covered in battle scars, she was starting to believe the rumors. Before Order 66, Barriss was accepted back into the Jedi Order. She was on a mission on Felucia when Order 66 was commenced. The clones shot her until they thought she died. Somehow, she was still alive. 

Barriss laughed coldly. "Still hanging onto Skywalker, huh? You've always been so loyal to the wrong people, Tano. At least my Master didn't wipe out the Jedi."

"No, but she still ended up dead," Ahsoka said sharply. Barriss, at first, gave her an unbelieving expression. But it soon faded to a sneer as she sat back in the tall chair.

"Luminara was weak, just like I was. As was my Padawan when he died in that stupid jungle. I've never believed in loyalty. They were just as foolish as we were to trust Skywalker and the Council." She scoffed. "And to think he was the Chosen One."

Ahsoka stayed quiet for a moment before finally saying, "I need your help with something."


"I have a radio signal enhancer," the Togruta continued, holding up the device, "I was wondering if you could track the signal."

"Of course I can," Barriss said. "Whether or not I should do it for you is the question."

Ahsoka's jaw clenched. "Listen. I know we've had our differences in the past... but I hope we can rebuild the strong friendship we had those many years ago. Many things have changed, including ourselves, but I hope we can put aside the mistakes of our past and move on together."

Barriss barely seemed touched by the short speech, but also looked intrigued by the offer.

"What's in it for me?" she asked.

Ahsoka held out a small bag of credits that Sabine had never even known was there. Barriss stared hungrily at the small, jingling leather bag.

"Oh, so it's money you want?" Ahsoka taunted, "Track where the signal of the enhancer is coming from, and I'll consider paying you up."

Barriss's face fell. She had been defeated by Ahsoka's swift strategy. "Deal," she said under her breath. Using the Force, she retrieved the enhancer from Ahsoka and studied the blinking light. "Which channel do you want me to track?"

"It only has one," Sabine piped up. Barriss's eyes darted in Sabine's direction as she studied the Mandalorian with the realization that she and Ahsoka weren't alone.

"Who's your friend, Tano?" Barriss asked. "Is she one of your Rebel patrons?"

"Yes," Ahsoka said through gritted teeth as she glared at Sabine, who almost regretted speaking up.

Barriss's sneer slowly crept back onto her face as she looked Sabine up and down. "You were with the Padawan Who Escaped, weren't you? When he died? I barely recognized you with the new look." She gestured toward Sabine's shaved hair. "I like it."

The way Barriss said the last part made Sabine want to cringe. 

"You remember Dume when he was training with us in the Temple, don't you, Tano?" Barriss taunted. Ahsoka's face hardened. "I think you do. He was very ego-oriented; always bragging about how he got his Master three years earlier than he should have. And then you kicked his butt in lightsaber combat. That's how you became a Padawan to Skywalker."

Ahsoka looked ready to strangle the scarred, sneering woman. 

"He was different than that," Ahsoka scolded. "He died a hero."

"He died a wanted criminal," Barriss argued, "and he got what he deserved."

"That's not true!" Sabine yelled. "Kanan was a good man who should have lived a longer, happier life!"

Barriss's eyes narrowed on Sabine. "So, that's what he goes by? 'Kanan'? How sweet. Only a criminal would change their name."

An eerie silence filled the large, scorched room. 

"Anyway..." Barriss fiddled with the enhancer for another ten minutes. In silence, Ahsoka and Sabine watched her work. She hooked up wires and other small devices to it before finally speaking. "That's odd."

"What is?" Ahsoka asked.

"The signal seems to be coming from the middle of nowhere," Barriss answered. "Northern Wild Space."

Ahsoka was at first silent. After a moment, she came to a conclusion... and not one she was proud of. "After all this time..."

Barriss and Sabine gave her an odd look. 

"Ahso-- Fulcrum, what's wrong?" Sabine asked.

"So that's why we saw Morai there..." Ahsoka mumbled to herself, "and the wolves, and the paintings you showed me from the temple... it all makes sense." She looked up at Sabine with big, fearful eyes. "I know where Ezra is."

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