7. part two

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"Call me when you get home?" Ming asked right before Wayo left back to the house to get his stuff.

Wayo nodded and hugged Ming one last time before running back to the house and leaving with his father......


The enitre trip home Wayo didn't say a word. He was sad, he had no tears left, but he was sad. He ended up sleeping most of the trip, and only woke up once thry got home.

"Wayo!" A small boy ran up to the angel and hugged him tightly.

"Hi Nong," Wayo smiled hugging his younger brother, Ae.

"Wayo. Go to your room. Now. We'll talk after dinner." Wayo's father said and Wayo nodded grabbing his stuff and running up to his room.

"P'Yoyo ok?" Ae asked and their father just ingored the youngest and walked into the house.

As soon as Wayo got to his room he pulled his phone out and texted Ming.

As soon as Wayo got to his room he pulled his phone out and texted Ming

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* y'all can figure out the rest *

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* y'all can figure out the rest *

Wayo hid his phone quickly and put his clothes back on before exiting the bathroom and going out to where is father was yelling at him

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Wayo hid his phone quickly and put his clothes back on before exiting the bathroom and going out to where is father was yelling at him.

"Where's your phone and laptop?" His father asked.

"I left them with Kit, I have no need to have them if I'm stuck here for the next few years," Wayo said and his father smiled.

"Finally your starting to learn. You don't need all those 'earthly' things. All you need is us and our lord," Father said and Wayo nodded agreeing. He doesn't agree but for his sake he'll agree so the punishment isn't as bad.

"So what's this about you dating one of those hell-boys?" Wayo's mother asked as they were eating dinner.

"We aren't dating, just got too close to each other... It won't happen again, don't worry," Wayo said and both of his parents smiled.

* after dinner *

"Yo, can we talk?" Wayo's mother asked knocking on his door. The younger opened the door and his mom walked in.

"Yeah," Wayo nodded and they sat down and talked.

"Do you have your phone on you?" She asked and Wayo nodded. He knew he could trust his mother not to tell his father.

"Can I talk to that boy? I wanna make sure he's perfect for you," she said and that made Wayo smile and nod handing her his phone.

+ call +

Ming: hey babe, miss me already?

Wayo's Mom: hello Ming, this is Wayo's mom, i just wanted to see how good you were and if you're perfect for my son

Ming: .....

Wayo: she's saying that she wants us to date

Ming: oh... I... Uh....

Wayo's Mom: No need to be nervous, I support you guys, I'm gonna find a way to get Wayo back to you without his father knowing. Don't worry, he'll be back soon Ming.

Ming: thank you so much, can I talk to Yo?

Wayo's Mom: of course! I'll leave you two alone, I'll call you again the day before i bring Yo back, thanks for being a nice hell-boy

Ming: not all of us are demons *starts laughing and Wayo just face palms while Wayo's mom smiles*

"He's funny, I love him already"

"I do too mom,"

AN: Wayo's mom is the number one MingYo shipper

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