Maiden Hunt

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"Don't forget your footing," a blonde-haired hunter in Anjanath armor called out to the serious handler. The handler relaxed her grip and wiped her brow as the Fiver approached her. The night before she chose this Fiver, the sisterly Fourth, and the gentle Fourth to keep her company on her last night of sleeping without a spouse, kicking her own hunter out of the room for the night. Now, two of the girls were helping her develop basic weapon skills.

"She's right," the Fourth in Pukei-Pukei armor approached as well. "It's not just about random hacking and slashing. You have to make sure you have a good stance to generate enough power to hurt the monster." The two went on to explain the different ways to attack with the sword and shield as she reclined on the ground. Despite only being a handler, peak physical health was required on the part of all members, hunters or not, to reach the upper ranks of the Commission, so physical activity and exercise normally didn't phase her, especially not this early. What sapped her energy, though, was learning the inner-workings of her weapon and the various feats required to be truly effective with it.

"You ready to go again?" the sisterly Fourth asked her and placed a hand on her back. Although not a hunter herself, the kindhearted woman offered to assist her in the training area in any way she could. The tired woman sighed and reluctantly stood up, somewhat thankful that she decided to train without her Commission garbs in order to cool off better. After five minutes of relentlessly attacking the training post, she heard a Wingdrake screech overhead and the sound of boots hitting the ground quickly followed by the voice of her hunter.

"How's my favorite handler?" the A-Lister greeted her with a warm and excited smile. The serious handler returned the gesture and embraced him, the cool metal feeling great against her nearly-overheated skin.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be thanks to these three," she gestured to the three women that accompanied her. "Thank you all so much for everything you've done for me."

"Yeah, thanks for taking care of The Sapphire Star's wife," her hunter wrapped his arm around her shoulder and playfully shook her a little. "Or as I now like to call him, my hunter brother."

The Fiver, true to her description, kept her cool and said, "She married A Sapphire Star. Besides, isn't it a little lame how you're hanging off the coattail  of your handler's husband's achievements?" In his own typical fashion, the A-Lister attempted to list his own accomplishments in the Old World, but tripped over his words.

"Where does he want us to meet him?" the serious handler asked in an attempt to spare her hunter from making more of a fool of himself.

"By the waterfall bridge," he said, defeated.

"Okay, then let's go wash up," the gentle Fourth declared, ending the training session.


"Hey, scrawny!" the Meowscular Chef greeted the hunter and his bride. "You here for a rematch to lose in fur-ont of the purr-etty lady?"

"Whatever, ya cheater," the hunter set his helmet on the counter and took a seat. "I felt those claws come out as soon as I had you on the ropes."

"Aww. Did de widow huntuw get huwt when de Jaggi poked him?" the chef mocked and served them both a drink. "Sounds like a load of dung pod excuses fur-om a sore loser." The great sword-sized Palico placed a hunk of meat on the stone slab in front of them and asked, "How'd you like the spurr-ead last night?"

"It was lovely as always, chef," the hunter's mate answered. "We'll be having the platter you always recommend, of course."

"Darn right you will," the chef growled affectionately. "You think I'd send you two off without a purr-oper pre-hunt meal?" A bell chimed and the huge Palico was suddenly accompanied by four regular-sized ones as the staff quickly got to work creating the platters. "I hope you decided to take advantage of her being able to have another armor-set equipped, scrawny. You never know when those extra skills will come in handy."

(MHW X Rising of the Shield Hero) The Hunter, the Handler, and the HeroWhere stories live. Discover now