Akward turtle

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We arrived at the Hotel in London somewhat 10 minutes later, the boys had tried to make me feel comforted but I didn't really know them, just that they'd saved me from my death. Now I was going to spend a few nights in there hotel room, urgh oh my god what had I done. They were strangers. How could I have been that dumb. Stranger danger I could here echoing in the back of my mind with the voice of my primary school teacher miss Flint.

I stepped out of the Taxi with the boys who were busy shoving each other and looking anxiously around as if to see if the coast was clear, alarm bells! The building was huge, I guess it was the Marriott these guys can't have been poor. It had wide windows from what I could see and went up as far as I could look without falling over. It was all Victorian built by the detailed architecture.

We all walked in quickly, like seriously it was like a power walk cross jog. The receptionist was stood looking pretty tired working the evening shift clearly, his face groggily looked at us and he moaned out good evening and welcome to the Marriott . The boys said thankyou and i followed them to the lift. The interior was nothing like the exterior, it was still huge but it was so modern. Everything was 21st century, except one room I saw out of the corner of my eye which looked private, a library maybe?

It smelled like white jasmine and it cleared my head so quickly I barely blinked and I felt better. The boys didn't seem to appreciate any of this. We made our way to floor 14, and then there was an awkward pause...where was I going to go? The boys faces said it all, they all stared at James. The crazy one who invited the crazy girl to stay with them. Here I am again, a nuisance.

"Look guys, I'll be fine honestly. I'll just find somewhere else to go" Luke's eyes lit up and stared at James again almost pleading him to let me go. "No, you can't be out there by yourself in your condition, I don't want you to do anything stupid", James abruptly put an end to the boys begging him for me to go. "In not pregnant James " referring to 'my condition' I giggled away to myself and the other boys started taking the piss out of him for it too. "Oh James it's a bit rude calling a girl fat by accident" laughed Jai and they all erupted with laughter.

Jai, Luke and Beau all headed off down the corridor in different directions to get to there rooms. James took my hand and led me to his room 680. He opened the door into a luxurious room with a black and white theme. Beautiful decorated with modern square lamps and vases. There was modern artwork hanging from the wall in 3 split canvases, I don't mean like a 3 year olds dinner modern, it was genuinely nice and you could understand what it was about. Then the bed...there was only one . Oh great now I see the motive. It was huge 4 poster bed too, it looked so comfy and I hadn't slept on anything but well a floor for so long.

"Here you can have the bed, I'll use this air mattress" he said pulling out a small air mattress that his legs wouldn't fit on let alone his whole body from a tall cupboard.

"Seriously you can have the bed, I don't need this fancy stuff and you'll never fit on that mattress" I laughed thinking about the old rhyme about the man who had such long legs but a bed too small.

"Neither of us is going to give up how about we both just share the bed? I promise to be a gentleman" James asked with a nervous look on his face like he's invaded some part of me.

"Umm.. I guess so I'll go and have a shower if that's ok, clear my head I guess" James nodded and started sorting out the excessive amount of decorative pillows that lay about the bed.

I got in the shower and oh my lord was it nice, it was a huge open plan one that had a big square rainfall shower head. It was amazing and so warm. I splashed the water all over my body rapidly feeling so much better that I was clean, truly for the first time in so long. I wrapped myself in a towel and headed into the room to grab my clothes as I didn't have any pyjamas.

"You can't sleep in your clothes grab one of my shirts and some sweats from my bag" James said gently as I grabbed my clothes.

"Thanks" and I went to his big nike sports/luggage bag and fished out a t shirt with dirty pig on it and some sweats.

I headed back to the bathroom and got changed before tying my hair into a high ponytail. I had to tie the t shirt into a low crop top because it was so huge on my petite frame and the sweats were rolled up my calves.

"How do I look?" Giving a twirl in a girly voice and laughing. James burst out with the giggles "totes fetch" he laughed as I was clearly swamped in his clothes.

I climbed into bed and faced the opposite way to him, James started building a pillow wall between us which I sniggered a little bit at. "Goodnight James, and thankyou so much" James lifted his head over the pillow barrier smiled at me and whispered goodnight and turned the lights out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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