The journey

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"Uhh hey I'm beau" shakily said by a boy with short sandy hair and a snap back, he looked unsure and his face was looking at James as if to ask WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Beau nudged the other boys and they all told me there names. "Well urgh my names Jai and this is Luke he's a dick head " jai had dark hair and was clearly Luke's twin by the same jaw line and soft features. Luke turned at jai," well you're the dickhead here shut the fuck up" and they had a slapping fight. "I'm Daniel but call me skip" came a bright voice from the back of the taxi, he was very smiley and it relaxed me a little.

"Jai, like shut the fuck up...right where do you need to go? Got any family..urgh......" James' brown eyes mesmerising mine, I realised I hadn't told him my name yet. "Oh Isla, my names Isla and ugh I no I don't have any family and I haven't got anywhere to go"

James looked at the boys who had a mixed reaction to what James seemed to be mouthing but I couldn't work out. "Right then Isla I guess you should come stay with us, we're staying in the Marriott in London. We're only here for a few more days doing a few gigs" his soft lips gently smacking together as he said the words left me speechless.

"That's so kind of you but umm..I don't even know you..-" then I got cut off,

"We might all be murderers James" shouted Luke and jai chimed in just after him "yeah we totally are"

"Would you all fuck off right now, I promise we're not and we did just drag you off the side of a bridge" he had a point even if they were all crazy axe murders did it really matter after all that was the idea of jumping off a bridge for a similar outcome. "Alright then I'll stay for a few nights thankyou"

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